amma mal

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Recent posts by amma mal

Hi All.

I am using struts-jquery tabs and using "qxhtml" theme, I was trying to apply tooltip="Enter Username" on label name "Username" to my jsp page. My output is

Username: Enter Username

when I mouseover on label name its not working, but when I mouse over on "Enter Username" its working.
I dont know why the tooltip message is displaying after label name.

and my tooltip:ftl is

<#if parameters.tooltip?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipIcon?exists><#t/>
src='<@s.url value="${parameters.tooltipIcon}" />'
src='<@s.url value="/qxhtml/tooltip.gif" />'
<#if parameters.tooltipAboveMousePointer?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipBgColor?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipBgImg?exists><#t/>
<#t/>this.T_BGIMG='<@ww.url value="${parameters.tooltipBgImg}" />';<#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipBorderWidth?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipBorderColor?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipDelay?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipFixCoordinateX?exists && parameters.tooltipFixCoordinateY?exists><#t/>
<#t/>this.T_FIX=[${parameters.tooltipFixCoordinateX}, ${parameters.tooltipFixCoordinateY}];<#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipFontColor?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipFontFace?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipFontSize?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipFontWeight?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipLeftOfMousePointer?exists><#t/><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipOffsetX?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipOffsetY?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipOpacity?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipPadding?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipShadowColor?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipShadowWidth?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipStatic?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipSticky?exists>
<#if parameters.tooltipStayAppearTime?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipTextAlign?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipTitle?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipTitleColor?exists><#t/>
<#if parameters.tooltipWidth?exists><#t/>
<#t/>return escape('${parameters.tooltip?js_string}');" />

and my jsp code

<s:select label="Username" tooltip="Enter Username"
<s:param name="labelcolspan" value="%{2}" />
<s:param name="inputcolspan" value="%{2}" />

Anybody suggest me where I am doing wrong?

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago
Hi All,

I am using Ajax tabs with struts2 framework. I have one javascript when the radio button is clicked textfield should be disabled. But when the page refreshes the disabled field is again enabling...and I have called onload() method ....but thatz not working.

Anyone is having any idea please post your replies.

Thanks in advance.
14 years ago
Hi all

I am having problem woth mozilla.....I have two JSP pages search and search results.......when I click submit button in search page it displays the search results........but when I go back to search page from search results ........the submit button is disabled.

Its working fine with Internet Explorer...any suggessions

15 years ago

Thanks for your reply, I dint understand your code, but I think there is a simple solution for this using errors.clear()
I dont know at which place I have to give this, Please anybody give me suggessions.

15 years ago
Hi all,

Please help me with this problem, my JSP page is displaying errors when anything is not entered in textfield that is working fine, but when i click the back button and entering into the same JSP page still it is displaying the errors.It shouldn't show anything(refresh the page).In my struts-config file my scope="session"

any suggestions.

15 years ago
Iam new to struts, can you provide me the sample code to write in validate().

15 years ago

Its very urgent, can you help me for checkbox validation. I my JSP I cannot change the checkbox property names ,because all properties are having with different names, any suggestions.

15 years ago
what I did is use file there you have to give key ,value error details
in struts-config.xml use <message-resource> to include property file
give corresponding error property in validation xml file
it definetley works
15 years ago
thanks for reply merill,

here is my JSP code, I cannot use same property ames for each check box

<bean:message key="SubForm.ProgramType.title"/></legend>
<div class="fieldset">
<table width="99%" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0">
<html:multibox name="Form" property="Information.s1" styleId="newForm.Information.s1" value="Y"/>
<html:hidden name="newForm" property="Information.s1" value="N"/>
<label style="float: none;" for="newForm.Information.s1" id="newForm.Information.s1.label"><bean:message key="subForm.s1.prompt"/></label>
<html:multibox name="newForm" property="Information.s2" styleId="newForm.Information.s2" value="Y"/>
<html:hidden name="newForm" property="Information.s2" value="N"/>
<label style="float: none;" for="newForm.Information.s2" id="newForm.Information.s2.label"><bean:message key="Information.s2.prompt"/></label>
<html:multibox name="newForm" property="Information.s3" styleId="newForm.Information.s2" value="Y"/>
<html:hidden name="newForm" property="Information.s2" value="N"/>
<label style="float: none;" for="newForm.Information.s2" id="newForm.Information.s2.label"><bean:message key="SubForm.s2.ompt"/></label>

any suggestion,please help me.

15 years ago

I need help for validating check box in struts validation without using javascript.
when I click the submit button atleast one check box should be selected. Can anyone help me how to define in validation XML,
how to do it with requiredif and validatewhen conditions, in my jsp page we have 10 checkboxes.
Please let me know if you have any solution for this. it should be server side validation

Thanks in advance,
15 years ago