Ashraf Abu-Aisheh

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since Apr 17, 2009
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Recent posts by Ashraf Abu-Aisheh

Many thanks Ali Gohar
If one know how to write USSD or any link may help in USSD

Please help
15 years ago
congratulation Mohammad

You deserve
15 years ago
Thank you all
I am currently studying at SCEA exam; God willing, will get a full grade as SCWCD


Can anyone help please

I face the same error.
15 years ago

Vishvanath Shinde wrote:I am getting following exception while using core tld with jsp in struts jsp.

can you explain how you used it in the code? please post a snapshot of your jsp code and your import statement?
15 years ago
I have a web project as a WAR file, and I want to deploy my war to WebSphere Applcation Server 7.0 (trial)

This war is already deployed to Tomcat and Jboss in simple way as the following:
The war file place: Apache Tomcat 6.0.18\webapps\application.war
The datasource: Apache Tomcat 6.0.18\conf\context.xml
The oracle driver: Apache Tomcat 6.0.18\lib\ojdbc14.jar
then start the application-->Apache Tomcat 6.0.18\bin\startup.bat

I want a simple way like tomcat or jboss to deploy my war in WebSphere...
What is the WAR file path?
Where can i define the datasources?
Where can i put the ojdbc14.jar file?
and How to run the server?

If there is no way like this, please tell me how to do that using the admin console?
15 years ago
Thank you for your useful post, but we need more details and developers experience.

Help us please.
15 years ago
Hi All,

I have a web application compatible with Apache Tomcat 6.0.18, JBoss-4.3.0.GA_CP03 and BEA-Weblogic, my task is to deploy this application at OC4J

But unfortunately when i try to deploy i got this exception:

I have used JSF 1.2, Servlet 2.4, JSP 2.1.
Please Help
15 years ago
The Problem Solved by using <f:verbatim>, kindly refer to the following URL to see how to use JSF with JSP in the same block:

15 years ago
The Problem Solved by using <f:verbatim> as the following:

Thanks for all and many thanks for <f:verbatim>
15 years ago

Peter Johnson wrote:I don't use RichFaces. I was posting in response to the first error:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: No ClassLoaders found for: org.richfaces.function.RichFunction

Does one of the files you listed contain this class?

I always prefer solving the first error first (and ignoring all other errors) because often once the first error is solved many of the others errors go away also. So looking at any error other than the first is usually a waste of time.

I fixed it by copying the following libraries to the jboss-as\server\default\lib directory

Thank you Mr.Peter Johnson to reply to my post, your replying is a dignity to me
15 years ago
I have fixed it by this way (by using <c:if> </c:if> instead of rendered)

but unfortunately i got the following exception:

Please help
15 years ago