Primoz Karnekaj

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since Apr 19, 2009
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Recent posts by Primoz Karnekaj

Hey John,
I managed to solve this problem. I had to set the modifier property of JTextField (yes, a textfield) to public and remove the tick from "Use local variable" - Both under Code tabs in Netbeans.
12 years ago
I have two classes - main and GUI.
In main i start the GUI window like this:

On this window I have a textField which I want to update from my main class. However, I don't know how to access it. I tried

but it doesn't exist. Please help me, I got rusty in Java!
12 years ago
Thank you very much for helping me out, it works perfectly!

14 years ago
javaw is not wroking, unless i'm doing something wrong..

Here is the screenshot to make thing clearer

14 years ago
I made a program in NetBeans and everything is working OK.
I created a .bat file, which opens the .jar program correctly, but also opens a "cmd window" next to .jar program.

This is in the .bat file:

This does the same thing:
java -jar "folder\program.jar"

Now I am wondering how one could open this .jar program itself without cmd window next to it, using a .bat file or some other shortcut? Are there any flags like -nocmd..

14 years ago