Keerthi Kumar

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 20, 2009
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Recent posts by Keerthi Kumar

Dear all,

I need a small help in writing ant script, which should open a pop up screen and it should prompt the user to enter the details like database server ip, files archive path etc..

Please do the needful.
11 years ago
Dear All,

I am facing an issue while iterating Hash Map. Through a query I am fetching list of users and list of emails of those users and i am adding those to a hash map as shown below:

But the valueMap object contains the required data from the database.
Request to please help me to resolve this issue
11 years ago
Hi Campbell Ritchie/Seetaram,

Please see the below code. Please correct me if im wrong.

11 years ago
Hi Seetaram,

Thanks a lot for your reply. I am trying to fetch the new value from the new list. could you please help me on how to search for the new value in the second list?
11 years ago
Hi all,

I have a scenario, in which, I need to compare with old and new values, which will be 2 different array lists. Also, i need to find the new element or item added in the 2nd array list and print that value. Below is my code snippet.

11 years ago
Dear All,

I am new to thread programming. I have a requirement, where I need to crawl data from different repositories as per the scheduled date and time. So, when there is a scenario that one job starts executing and keeps continuing for more than the expected time and a new job has to be executed with the same time, what needs to be done.

a. because, the first job would be still running.
b. also the second job has to starts is execution as per the schedule.
c. also, the requirement is even if the first job is still executing after the given time, the second job has to start his execution.

Request to please help me out in the above scenarios
Dear All,

I have requirement, where I need to access the microsoft sharepoint's Discussion Forum through my java code. How to achieve on this? Is there any API to be used? If any one has got the code for the same, request to share the same please.
12 years ago
Hi all,

I want to start learning java design patterns. Can any one help me on how to start for the same. Because, I know some design patterns which is used in my current project. But I want to learn on how to design an application when requirements are being given.

Please help !!
Hi All,

I have a requirement where I need to fetch the queries from the database first and then from those fetched queries, I need to select the records based on the limit size specified. i.e. if a select query returns 500 records and the limit size is 200, from that 500, I need to select the first 200 records. Hibernate has been used now.

Please help me to resolve this.
Dear All,

In my current module, I have a scenario where I need to update 3 different tables when the parent table is updated. When I update some data in the first table, data is getting updated in the db. But the corresponding record in the second table is being deleted, where as the data in the third table is getting updated properly.

I have used the bag element and also its a one - many relationship from A->B->C tables. I have used inverse="false" cascade="all,delete-orphan".

Request you to please help me out in this.
Hi all,

I am new to web service. I need to make a call to windows server 2008 to access the microsoft certificate authority (CA). Request anyone to help me out in this.

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago
Hi All,

I am working on a project, where I need to write a connector to connect to the microsoft windows server ( which can be used as a CA - Certificate Authority). Can anyone help me with my below questions.

a. What are all the configuration parameters needed to connect to the microsoft CA (certificate authority)
b. how to use the online responder?
c. any sample reference java code to connect to the windows server.

Thanks in advance.
12 years ago
Hi Maneesh,

Thanks a lot for your reply. Say my csv file is having 1000 records. Instead of reading/writing at one shot, I need to read 20 records at one shot, write it to a map and from map write the contents to a new csv file. Im stuck up in the place where i need to check for every 20th record !

Please do the needful.
12 years ago
Hi Campbell,

The code in my previous post will surely throw a compile time exception. I forgot to mention that. But the thing is i need to add those csv contents into map. Then from map i need to write the contents to a new csv file. Could you please help me out in this wit my below code.

Thanks in advance !
12 years ago
Hi Rob,

Thanks a lot for your reply. As per your below reply, I have completed

1) Code to access the file contents
1.a) Code to read the contents line by line
2) Maintain a counter for the number of lines read

Now I need to write the contents that I am reading from csv to a hashmap and then from map to a new csv for every 20 set of records. Please see my code below for your reference.

12 years ago