namita sasa

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Recent posts by namita sasa

Thanks for replying Nathan. But, I want to know if this is possible or not since thats the only option they want.

I am trying to do something like below:Want to create two hash maps in app context. From these hashmaps, I am planning to retrieve values in my from context, get the hashmaps and then based on request parameter, decide which one to use.
<bean id="exporter" class=" vletContextAttributeExporter">
<property name="attributes">
<entry key="appContenMapEn" value-ref="enMAP" />
<entry key="appContenMapSp" value-ref="spMAP" />

<bean id="enMAP" class="java.util.HashMap">
<entry key="defaultCss" value="/dmm/styles/default.css" />
<bean id="spMAP" class="java.util.HashMap">
<entry key="defaultCss" value="/dmm/styles/default.css" />

Is it possible to do something like this? Thanks for help,Namita
13 years ago
The problem is I just need to change wahtever existing now..cant change entire functionality.Since, messages already hard coded in app context file, is there any way to select this app context based on request? or do I must move all messages to different file which I can select based on request?
13 years ago
can someone please help me here?
13 years ago
I am newbie to spring. I want to do Internationalization of messages. currently, all the english messages are hard coded in applicationContext.xml file. Now, I want to add another language to this project. Do I need to create two separate applicationContext.xml file so that when a language indicator is passed from request, the appropriate file gets loaded? or how can I approach this? can someone help me? Thanks..
13 years ago
I need your suggestion here. I did BE Electronics (India) with second class , then did MS in Information Systems with 4.0 GPA and currently working in USA as J2EE Developer with 1.5 years of experience. But, my real interest is micro-controller programming, assembly language etc. I am really not sure how can I switch to Embedded Systems now. I don't have any embedded system programming experience. I did some micro-controller programming for my academic project in India. I know c,c++,8085/8086 programming.
What should I do? Do I need to learn languages like VHDL? What is Embedded java?
Are there any apportunities for Embedded java developer in India? specific Pune?
Please help.
14 years ago
I am interested in spring, hibernate training. But, I am in Bloomington,IL and don't prefer online training.
15 years ago
Ok. I got what you said. I will change the names of page scope and session scope variables.

15 years ago
I got the answer. I just accessed it using ${sessionScope.color[i]} and it worked. Thanks again you all!!
15 years ago
I am getting stuck because I am not able to access the color array in JSP which is in session scope.

15 years ago
Thanks for your replies Mark and Bear. I don't know in future how many tie_id's will be there. So, I am going to repeat the colors. I have set color array of string in session having 10 colors. After the 10'th color, again the first color repeats and so on.
The records are grouped by tie_id. I have set following loop and getting error message. I am taking value of tie_id of first row=first_tieId and then compare it with tie_id of other records. If tie_id are different, a new color will be set.

Erroe Message : Unable to find a value for "1" in object of class "java.lang.String" using operator "[]"

Please help!
15 years ago
Each row tie_id may not be different. For example, first three rows will have same tie_id=1, next two will have same tie_id=2 etc.
I need to compare tie_id of each row using jstl.
15 years ago
I need to display a table using jstl. The columns are id, tie_id, comments.
id is the primary key in table. I want to display rows having same tie_id with same color.
How can I write jstl loop for this?
15 years ago
I have three radio buttons. On page load, it preselects some choice and removes some fields. But, if user clicks on another choice now, all fields should exist and now again second radio button will remove some of them.
On page load, when button is pre-selected, if it permanently removes form fields, my second radio button won't work correctly.
When we use removeElement function, will it delete element permanently or just for that particular selection if I write it in onClick() event?
