sivaprasad pasupulathi

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Recent posts by sivaprasad pasupulathi


I have configured a Unit of order Queue.When this is deployed across the cluster and when all the servers are running ..they work fine.But when one of the managed servers is brought down and back up again;I see this exception in the logs

Can you let me know if there is anything specific i need to configure for Unit of Order ?

13 years ago
I tried to call the same Ejb's LocalIterface within the EJB and had Require_New annotation to my method.And works as expected.Thanks for all the info.

Thanks for the reply guys..

The annotation @ApplicationException(rollback=true) for my ApplicationException helped.I still have few questions..

I have two methods inside my class.The class level transaction is set to REQUIRED and method2 has transaction set to REQUIRES_NEW.

The method1 rollbacks successfully for any errors within it but method2 does not?

I am not sure why?Is it because I have REQUIRES_NEW ? Both the methods throw my ApplicationException and this exception has the necessary Annotation.

when i have context.setRollback(); in my catch block in method2 it works fine...?I am not sure why I have to do this when I have rollback == true at my AppplicationException class level.

Thanks for the info guys.

let me get this a bit clear.

if stmt1 executed successfully and when stmt2 failed,i call ejb 2 and when i return back to ejb 1 ,Do I need to throw an appException for stmt1 to rollback? or do I need to throw an runtimeException?Do i need to specify any annotation tags at my method level for stmt 1 to rollback?

I have a SessionBean(EJB3),which I call from a Web service.The method in the session bean had Txn Attribute set to REQUIRES_NEW.In side this method i make some data Base calls.
In my catch block I have another data base call which will record the exceptions.I have Txn Attribute set to REQUIRES_NEW for my error Method.
In the same catch block I call context.setRollbackOnly();

But I see the error txn rollbacked and all the DB statements in the try block does not rollback.
Is there anything which I am missing here?



This may sound strange but I would like to know if there is a better solution for my question.

I have a String say

String abc = " India = Delhi,USA=Washington,UK=London";

I would like to get the values by specifying the country Name.If I want to get the value for India,I should get the corresponding value.I Don't want to use StringTokenizer.I want to know if there are any function in Java6 which can improve my code reading.

14 years ago
The data returned is of XML format.But when we try to import the generated objects,we get compile errors these are because of generics,array types etc.
May be I am missing a point here.Is there any documentation or an example which I can use as we reference.

14 years ago

We are required to call a webservice which is built on JDK1.6(the generated classes contain ENUM,Type casting..).But we are on JDK1.4 and we get compile errors because of these generics.So,I would like to know if there is any route which can support multiple version?without migrating to different version.

14 years ago
Sorry,I should have been more elaborate.I am looking for creation of SOAP message through Java code dynamically at run time.

or Can i create the soap Envelope once and them replace the soap body according to bussiness rules.Can this is done?

or Do i have a create the Envelope and the body for each and every request.


14 years ago

Thanks for your reply Vijay,

Can you please provide me an example where i can generate a SOAP Message from a WSDL through JAX-WS.

Thank YOu.
14 years ago

Can Some one provide what are the best practices/methods to construct SOAP Message for a given WSDL.

14 years ago

Can anyone suggest an approach.
14 years ago

I need to invoke webservice through soap jms.I need to put the soap message on the queue and read the message of the reply queue.Can some one help me where i can get more information on this using Spring.

14 years ago
Hi Shiv,

I tried few options and either of these did not work.Could you please let me know the missing pieces.

Method 1 :

I generated stubs through Axis2 wsdl2Java and after importing them,i found that the generated callback Handler did not contain all the method which other classes were refering to.I used Axis2 1.4.1 and i tried with 1.3 as well.Both had the same issue.The command which i used to generate the stub is

wsdl2Java -uri "C:\wsdl\abc" -d adb -u

Method 2:

I tried to check with the sample code which you have provided.But i Got

exception in thread "main" org.apache.axis2.Axisfault :Transport out has not been set .

here is the change which i added to the existing one

The other question i have here is,if you are to call a service,you need to know the implementations (methods in the service) to invoke it.Don't we need to generate stubs in this approach.

Thanks for your help.

14 years ago
Thanks for your reply tripathi.

But What i am looking for is a callback approach,where the handle comes to the client and waits for the repsponse.I am looking for AXIS2 ADB approach..etc.
If you have any information on these,could you please let me know.

14 years ago