Tommi Vd

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since Apr 23, 2009
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Recent posts by Tommi Vd


Is it normal when i configured ehcache for a entity that when i put the show_sql on true i still see every time those sql's?
In the server logs stands that de cach is configured for the Regio entity.

kind regards
15 years ago
Hi all,

I'm using two FullTextFilters at the moment to filter the records so the current date is withing the publication range.

The problem is that i never get any results while there are records that should pass these two filters.

Sessie entity:

SessieDaoImpl (fullTextSearch):



Does anyone have an idea?

kind regards
is it me or are the exams from the head first book more difficult than others and those on the exam?
Hi all,

I have a problem.
With the lucene API it wasn't so hard to implement the spell checker, i just created a spellchecker dictionary.
But now with hibernate search it's an all different story...
The indexing is done automatically when an update, insert or delete happens... But i have no idea how to implement spell checker with this.

I also don't seem to find any information/tutorial/example about this?
Is this even possible?

Can anyone help me?

kind regards,
15 years ago
i had different context files, the security configuration must be in my service context configuration
15 years ago
Hi all,

I have quite a problem with spring security.





My other services, dao, controllers are annotation based loaden by other xml files with an component scan...

Why am i getting this error?

Kind regards,
15 years ago

Ulf Dittmer wrote:
Isn't that exactly what the code should output?

How are you applying the CSS - are you sure the stylesheet is found, and that the proper spans are correctly selected by the rule for "highlight"?

yes its correct output,
BUT the problem is that he shows ch01 <span class="highlight">java</span> in the browser as text...

i put it in the outputText in the table as a property string from result object.
Hi all,

I'm using lucene in my web app.
Now i want to highlight specific terms from my search result and i'm using the datatable with jsf for showing the results.

Now for the higlighting part i'm making a simpleHtmlFormatter:

And in css i give it a background-color yellow.

but in my webpage i get this result:

So the problem is he prints the span instead of taking it as html...

jsp page:

Can anyone help?

kind regards,
No it shouldn't, the enum is declared in the same class as where the main method is.
If you put the enum outside the class, you will get a compile time error that points isn't accessible.
yes indeed, because i needed tot succeed!
15 years ago

Rushabh Shah wrote:

Jesper Young wrote:It has been changed recently, and you can regard Sun's website as an authoritative source.

If Sun's website is not authoritative enough for you, then you could contact Sun Training and ask them about it. (If you do, please let us know what they said).

Not that its not authoritative but i read couple of threads where people were asked 72 Qs.

I did call them and it seems concerned person is not available, they will call back

i took the exam yesterday, i got 60 questions with a passing percentage of 58%. Just like the sun site says

Fritz Guerilus wrote:

Thomas Van Driessche wrote:
I finished the test a half our earlier, so you have enough time.
Questions weren't as difficult as i thought, so it really shouldn't a problem Nitish.
No stress, just stay focuss for the little catches.

I had my exam at 10 o'clock, and before that i reread the summary of each chapter in the K&B book and took a mock exam again.

Really you are ready!


How long it did it take you to prepare?

good question, don't really know, i read the k&b boek two times and made plenty of mock exams...
15 years ago

Nitish Bangera wrote:Congrats great score.......Was the time sufficient for the test. I will be giving it on Friday and kindoff stressed about it. Please tell me the preparation 1 day before the test...

I finished the test a half our earlier, so you have enough time.
Questions weren't as difficult as i thought, so it really shouldn't a problem Nitish.
No stress, just stay focuss for the little catches.

I had my exam at 10 o'clock, and before that i reread the summary of each chapter in the K&B book and took a mock exam again.

Really you are ready!

15 years ago