Patricia McCormick

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since Apr 23, 2009
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Recent posts by Patricia McCormick

Hello Naomi,
Regarding data science, machine learning and Python, do you cover the use of various Python modules? For example NumPy, SciPy, Deep Learning etc, etc.?  Or do you direct your readers to a resource you would use to understand and use these libraries? This is a huge topic and can be overwhelming.
Thank you.
6 years ago
Hi Jim,
Thanks very much for the good advice and references. I particularly like the idea of working on an open-source project and think that might provide some of the practice and feedback I definitely need. Thanks again!

Bear --
Sorry for my subject title, I modified the subject, hope it's more usable to others.
13 years ago
What do you advise as the most efficient and effective path to becoming a good/excellent Java programmer? Do you have a suggested reading list and practice methodology? Would this advice differ if the goal was to be a Java developer or architect?
Thanks very much
13 years ago