mark garcia

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since Apr 24, 2009
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Thanks for you reply.

Reading the reply I realized that I've misstated my question. Is there a specification for the RSA .project files in a workspace? I'm assuming that there is and it's different between simple Java projects, web services, EJBs, EARS, etc.

I've been tasked with seeing if it's possible to have some code supported by both RSA and Eclipse. The problem is that the code that's checked into CM is specific to RSA. I need to understand the specifications for .project files and workspace setting differences between RSA and Eclipse.

Any ideas or thoughts as to where, what I should be looking at/for?

15 years ago
where can I find the specification for the project interchange file for IBM RSA 7.0?

I've searched IBM's developerworks site but I can't seem to find the spec.

Can anybody help?


15 years ago
I've read several articles on this but I'm not having much success.

Can someone here give me some guidance as to how I can edit and force a recompile of the default index.jsp servlet for Tomcat 6?


15 years ago