rich werth

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since Sep 21, 2001
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Recent posts by rich werth

hello i have a dhmtl menu that i would like to put on multiple pages. is there anyway i can do this without frames. with frames the dhtml menu gets hidden when the user scrolls over it. the pages are just static html pages. i don't want to have to update the dhtml on ever page if possible.
Didn't work. No alert message either.
This is the parent

This is the child
Thanks rene
I have a question though because it isn't working. Inside the child window I am calling a servlet and forwarding jsp data into there. The user does some stuff finishes and ends up with an html page that says "good job u did ur thing" press here to close. so i add the function to close the window but thre reload function doesn't get calledon the parent. is this bcuz we use netscape or because the parent changes becuase i am switching btwn jsp servlet to an html page?
I have a window that opens another window. When the child window closes I want to refresh the contents of the parent. Is there a way I can do this?
i stick row and column data from a data base in html format using jsp and wrap the html code with microSofts xml. This allows the user to have an option to save the page as an Excel spreaSheet in IE or just save the file as a .xls using netscape.
To get the xml just save a file as html in Excel and cut n paste the parts that make sense.
Thanks Charlie that worked.... but
I didn't want to go into this but now I have a new problem.
The reason why I am doing is to clear the screen. The users will have two choices say do this or do that..... Each calls a seperate servlet. While the request is going to the servlet and then being processed I want to clear the screen so they don't start pressing buttons. When I use document.write() then document.close() the request does not come back to the window. What is coming back to the window is a jsp page with info on it.
Is there any other way I can do what I am trying to do?
i call it in a form with an onclick. i stick onCLick in a button
i press the button in ie i get the output i press the button in netscape i get nothing
doesn't work in netscape why

U know after readin the error message which said to get rid of all greater than and less than symbols which i did. I still got that error.
Anyway I tried what you said about renaming the onClick to onclick but the form elements still don't get disabled?
Got any other ideas?
[CODE] Hello I have two forms on a page one only has a submit button the other only has a radio button. They each call different servlets. When one is pressed I want to disable the other while the servlet does it's stuff. How can I do this? here are the forms:
Well i tried to put the forms but no matter what i got that stupid OnClick error.
they are pretty straight forward though..... Unlike this thing
Hi Thanks for the reply
It wasn't going to the servlet bcuz my stupid cache setting in netscape said not to check for pages.
I chaned it and it works fine now
Hello again
I am having some trouble calling a servlet more than once. I am posting here first bcuz it doesn't get to the servlet more than once(doesn't call post method)
What I am doing is grabbing a list it has x number of items in it and I am displaying them in a browser page 5 at a time. I am using a submit button in a form to do this
<form name="form1" method="post" action="glControl">
<input type="submit" name="button" value="Next">
This only works once, then it doesn't call the servlet again?? Why doesn't it?
I get to go to page 2 and see items 6-10 and that's it. On other presses it just refreshes the screen.
Works in IE but not in Netscape
That's all fine and dandy but what about code lifter?
That program will get source from anywhere no matter what u stick in the html. It will even grab js and css files
Hello again
I am having some trouble calling a servlet more than once. I am posting here first bcuz it doesn't get to the servlet more than once(doesn't call post method)
What I am doing is grabbing a list it has x number of items in it and I am displaying them in a browser page 5 at a time. I am using a submit button in a form to do this
<form name="form1" method="post" action="glControl">
<input type="submit" name="button" value="Next">

This only works once, then it doesn't call the servlet again?? Why doesn't it?
I get to go to page 2 and see items 6-10 and that's it. On other presses it just refreshes the screen.
Actually that is what i'm doing but i can't figure out how to test if the user enters in only spaces as well. Can u include a code snippet now
This is what I have so far splitSize is a jsp var that = the amount of rows i will have * 5 for the number of fields per row
function validateMe(theForm)
var emptyFields=""
var size = <%=splitSize%>*5;
for (i=0; i <= size; i++)
comma=(emptyFields=="")?"":", "
if (emptyFields!="")
alert('All Fields must contain data. \n'+'Please return and complete the form.')
return false