aminur rashid

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since Sep 21, 2001
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Recent posts by aminur rashid

Run the OC4j server, make a connection to oc4j server and deploy the bean to oc4j server and then u will be fine.
21 years ago
So what is reflection in java and its use??? Still looking for a good answer of it...
21 years ago

will not compile as no method eat in Animal

any way if we call the correct method it will be the method of Dog is being called as we are creating instance of Dog.
My question...
when we should go for over-ridden method and when we should go for method with different names.
Like we could have had dogEat method in Dog instead of simple eat.
What are the criteria that needs to be considered before we design classes
21 years ago
Shall we start it again???
Diff b/w arraylist and vector...
ArrayList is not synchronized but Vector is. Vector is slow...
21 years ago
I have a problem in SimpleDateFormatter and it will be nice if any one help me.
As we know a user can set any valid format to a SimpleDateFormatter.e.g "mm d", "MM/dd/yy" etc.
Now I want that if I have set a format to a SimpleDateFormatter (say "MM/dd:yy")and if I pass a string of numbers say "123456" it should format the string in the specified format.(ie. 12 should be taken as month 34 should be taken as day (can convert 34 to 30+4 or can throw error.))Similar to what MS Excel does when we set format of a cell of MS excel to DateFormat.
Well DateaFormatter expects the input to be formatted in the same pattern as that was set (i.e if we have set the pattern as "MM d:yy" it expects value as 11:11:11 to format else it will trhow exception)
Any suggestions, ideas is welcome.
21 years ago
I have a problem in SimpleDateFormatter and it will be nice if any one help me.
As we know a user can set any valid format to a SimpleDateFormatter.e.g "mm d", "MM/dd/yy" etc.
Now I want that if I have set a format to a SimpleDateFormatter (say "MM/dd:yy")and if I pass a string of numbers say "123456" it should format the string in the specified format.(ie. 12 should be taken as month 34 should be taken as day (can convert 34 to 30+4 or can throw error.))Similar to what MS Excel does when we set format of a cell of MS excel to DateFormat.
Well DateaFormatter expects the input to be formatted in the same pattern as that was set (i.e if we have set the pattern as "MM d:yy" it expects value as 11:11:11 to format else it will trhow exception)
Any suggestions, ideas is welcome.
21 years ago
This is what I have in build.xml:
<signjar alias="myalias" jar="${}.jar" keypass="mykeypass" keystore="${build.home}/storepath" signedjar="${build.home}/sgn${}.jar" storepass="mypassword"/>

Now if I dont have javahome set before running this ant application i get the io exception saying that jarsigner not found[Obviuos].
Is their a way that i can set my java_home (or path ) so that make file will find the jarsigner from the required directory.
21 years ago
I guess u can use ByteArrayInputStream or ObjectOutputStream
Not sure
21 years ago
bitwise inclusive OR '| '
is higher in precedence.
Check this
21 years ago
Here is the code for JSpinner.

Now if i try to increase the value by Up arrow (?) of the spinner, i expect the value to be increased by YEAR as i have set the step value as Calender.Year
But its increased by the Month.
It comes with the default date value 8/20/03 12:31 PM [current date]
Now if i press upper arrow the value 8 is increased instead of 03 [year]
21 years ago
I am using a mask formatter for my jformatted text field.
Now the mask string that I am using for this mask formatter is taken from user Input.
Now if user enters nothing in the input i shud allow the jformattext field with the give mask formatter to accept all the character.
But since no mask is set in this case.(user input is either null or "" string)....
i can not set a single character to my jformattextfield allows not a single character
Help needed.
21 years ago
Carl Trusiak End is near.....
21 years ago
Here is the code.

Now if i creat SimpleDateFormat with the string MM/dd/yy the behaviour of JtextField is normal.
By normal i mean it accepts date as 11/11/11 only and not 11/11/11111111
But if i create SimpleDateFormate with String MM/dd/yyyy
the formattted textfield can accept year upto 9 digit.
i mean i can enter date as
Howver i was expecting that user can only enter
02/03/1234 [after validation]
but he can enter value
any idea??
the validation for MM/dd/yy is working fine.
here is the test code

[ July 23, 2003: Message edited by: aminur rashid ]
21 years ago