kasyaparushi kiran

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since May 05, 2009
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Recent posts by kasyaparushi kiran


I am using richfaces to get ajax support in JSF.

I am getting a4j is undefined javascript error when I use a4j:support tag.I am trying from few days but not able to figure out the issue.

when I see the view source in jsp.generated a4j javascript files are missing in that.

<select id="ajaxTest:location" name="ajaxTest:location" size="1" onchange="A4J.AJAX.Submit(...) but am seeing this line in jsp not js files.

I am using JSF1.2,websphere portal 6.1,Richfaces 3.1.4.

Please help me.

13 years ago

I am using richfaces to get ajax support in JSF Portlet.
I am getting javascript error a4j is undefined when I use a4j:support tag In JSF.

I am using websphere portal 6.1,WAS 6.1 and JSF 1.2,Rad 8.0.

Below Jar files I kept in webinf/lib:-

Please help me if anybody has done this earlier.

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar
13 years ago

I am working on integration of portal and process server.In that trying to invoke Human task(process server) from portal.

I am trying to get HumantaskmanagerHome from portlet class.but am getting below exception when i look up.
*WsnInitCtxFac W NMSV0602E: Naming Service unavailable. A communications error* .

Please guide me to resolve this issue.

hashtable.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.ibm.websphere.naming.WsnInitialContextFactory");

hashtable.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
context = new InitialContext(hashtable);

HumanTaskManagerHome _htmh = null;
_htmh = (HumanTaskManagerHome) context.lookup("com/ibm/task/api/HumanTaskManagerHome");

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar
13 years ago

How to send from jsp to jsp in portlet?
For ex: i have two jsp's first.jsp and second.jsp in portlet.
on click of button action is going to processaction--->doview() ,in doview method i have requestdispatcher.include();
but this functionality including the second.jsp in first.jsp.

i didnt see the forward method in requestdispatcher.

what is the alternative to get jsp to jsp communication through portlet?

K.Kiran Kumar
13 years ago

I have a wsdl file.
I have to call the wsdl from portlet.
can someone suggest me some steps to invoke wsdl from portlet.

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar
13 years ago

Iam beginer in webservices.
I have a wsdl file.
I have to invoke the wsdl(call the service from java).
please guide me.

K.Kiran Kumar
13 years ago

Below code i have added in doView() method

Servlet Name is DownloadServlet , url pattern also DownloadServlet

StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(response.encodeURL(request.getContextPath()+ "/servlet/DownloadServlet"));

PortletRequestDispatcher rd=getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher(buf.toString());

It is throwing FileNot found exception (404).I checked in web.xml also.

please suggest me a solution

K.Kiran Kumar
15 years ago
I am trying to download a powerpoint file.but the content type is throwing an exception.

please find the details

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:


I have tried with application/ms-powerpoint,application/ppt,application/powerpoint

It is throwing illegalargument exception.

Please suggest a solution

K.Kiran Kumar
15 years ago

How to enable breadcrumb in websphere portal server 6.1?

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar
15 years ago

How to enable breadcrumb in websphere portal server 6.1?

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar
15 years ago
Thank you Cameron

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar
15 years ago

I am working on Websphere Portal Server.
I have to integrate Websphere Portal Server with IBM Web Content Management.
Is there any default component in portal server for integration with web content management or do we need to install web content management separately?
(I heard wcm is a component of websphere portal server)

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar

15 years ago

I am working on websphere portal server.
I think portal server doesnt support body tag
I have placed onload tag in body tag.
Is there any alternative method to call onload functionality in portlets?

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar
15 years ago

I have deployed 10 portlets in websphere portal server.
I have to make equal size for all.
Is there any option in portal server to adjust the width of the portlet (to make equal widths of all the portlets)?

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar
15 years ago

I have deployed one ajax portlet in websphere portal server 6.1.
I am getting below exception

A WebGroup/Virtual Host to handle /AJAXPortlet/InvoiceServlet has not been defined.

am trying to call a servlet from javascript(ajax)

please share your solutions

Thanks & Regards,
K.Kiran Kumar

15 years ago