Malu Sivasankar

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since Aug 02, 2000
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Recent posts by Malu Sivasankar

ejbCreate() methods are similar to the constructors written by the Enterprise bean developer.
According to EJB 2.1 Specification, the session bean class must implement one or more ejbCreate() methods that corresponds to the create() method specified in the home interface. The method signature of ejbCreate() must follow rules such as
Method must be declared as public
Method must not be declared as final or static and so on�
More information can be obtained from EJB 2.1 Specification.
Are U using the version 2.2 of Servlet API??
23 years ago
U have the method
setAttribute(String name,Object o) which stores an attribute in HttpServletRequest
23 years ago
PHP is a server-side, cross-platform, HTML embedded scripting language. Here is the introductory tutorial for PHP
Also read this discussion regarding PHP vs JSP.
23 years ago
Hello friends,
Can U help me find the url of a sample HTTP 1.1 implementation. I could get only the specification from
Thanks in advance
Hello friends,
Thank you very much javaranch. This is a wonderful site.
I am learning a lot daily.......
23 years ago
Hidden form fields are fields added to an HTML form that are not displayed in the client's browser. You can include hidden form fields with HTML like this:
These fields are sent back to the server when the form that contains them is submitted.
The disadvantage with this type of technique is that it works only for a sequence of dynamically generated forms.
23 years ago

J2EE application server vendors define a cluster as a group of machines working together to transparently provide enterprise services (support for JNDI, EJB, JSP, HttpSession and component failover, and so on).
Please read this article J2EE Clustering for more information
23 years ago
Hello Friends,
I would like to know what all changes should be made in the configuration file of Tomcat 3.1 inorder to view the source code of servlets generated from the JSP pages..
Thanks in advance
23 years ago
Pl. read this article @
for web server basics
23 years ago
Change pw.println(" alert("hello")");
to pw.println(" alert(\"hello\")");
Code will compile....
23 years ago
Hai Maha,
Instead of hard coding URLs we did the following in our project. We were using Apache Jserv.
In the servlet zone configuration file , global init parameters can be given. These global init parameters are given to each of the servlets and are accessible in the servlet via the method getInitParameter() in ServletConfig.

In the configuration file, init parameter was specified as follows
In servlet,
String host = getInitParameter("host");
String zone = getInitParameter("zone");
and servlets were invoked as follows:-
out.println( "<FRAME NAME=\"LogoFrame\" src=\"http://"+ host + zone + "main.LogoServlet\">");
So during run time the url was resolved as
Similarly U may be able to configure Tomcat.
23 years ago
Hello all,
I passed SCJP yesterday with 90%. Real exam was easy when compared to the different mock exams. I used RHE and JLS for prepartion. Also did 4 to 5 mock exams.
Read all the recent posts in javaranch. It helped me in clearing the fundamentals. The site found to be quite useful. It has questions listed by topics.
Real exam was focussed on basic concepts rather than API.
Good Luck to all