James.HD Li

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since May 11, 2009
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Recent posts by James.HD Li

Chris Borrill wrote:I am having similar problem, can you tell me exactly what was wrong with your network configuration?


Well in my application, we used a libary from jboss. For some reason, weblogic kept trying to connect to jboss.com while publishing. This caused the process stuck there.
We resovled this problem by changing the 'hosts' file under Windows/system32/drivers/etc/ and point jboss.com to one of our local server which is listening port 80(install apache will do).

Don't know if this is the same reason. You can use netstat -anb to see if there is any strang connection when your weblogic is publishing.

13 years ago
I found the reason. It's because of the network configuration.
14 years ago
Any idea about this problem?
14 years ago

I'm using web logic to host an SOA project. This is my first time to use weblogic in eclipse. And we are developing with the Virtual Machine in order to make the environment handy for migration.
However, recently we are suffering from a slow publish of weblogic server. While I click publish everytime, it takes more than two minutes to finish the process. While for one of our coworker, it only takes 20 seconds.

Here is the log for re publish

You can see from the log that
'!MESSAGE Waiting on ProgressObject:@16854929' takes two minutes to finish. But I don't know what is it waiting for.

Does anyone have the answer or explain to me what things weblogic do while publishing.


14 years ago
I think I have too name a table after the database name and manually delete that 'create table script'
Thanks a lot for you reply.
Peter, thanks for take this topic to a better place.

Campbell, thank you so much. This is quite a professional way and should be smart enough to resolve this problem.

But I just wander if there is a simple way like a command line that just dump all the procedures?


I'm looking for a way to dump all the procedures from a mysql database with mysqldump. Just procedures, no tables.

Currently, I can export all the procedures with --routine option, but I just can not figure out how to remove those 'table related' statement. If anyone knows, please help.

anyone can tell me where the parameter.templateDir defined?
15 years ago
Hi guys,

I'm a new guy to struts 2. I'm following the get in the door examples and encountering an error while using struts tags. The error is as below:

I have been searching on google but got no result. Hope there is someone here can give me some usefull information.

Thanks in advance

15 years ago
Maybe I should ask this question in ActiveMQ forum but I hate register here and there.

Is there a list for all the message sent by ActiveMQ?
Our system gave us an error but I can not reproduce the error again. I suspect that the error is caused by the message received from Message Broker, but I can not find the message anywhere from activemq admin site.

Anybody know where can I find the message logs or I just can not?

Thanks in advance.