paul nisset

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since May 13, 2009
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Recent posts by paul nisset

It depends on the  "Stake holders" .

On the business side it's always:

1) Cost
2) timeline
3) current trends

On the technical side it's:
1) The level of complexity. Usually the more complicated it is, the worse it is.
2) Available resources

In general ,whoever your stake holders are ,you have to be able to state your case simply.
Know your audience.

3 weeks ago
This is a common issue that will come up repeatedly as you develop with Android. Android is not backward compatible.

When you come across issues like this , think in terms of libraries and components.
"" is the  "toolbar" component in in the "android.support7" library .
You need a more current library for the Toolbar component  that is compatible with the version of android that you are using to compile and targeting as output.

To find out what you need remember : Google is your friend. Textbooks and tutorials in android are often out of date by the time you read them.

Here is a result I got  that uses a more recent library . They use 'androidx' instead of 'android' .

good luck.
2 months ago
Hi ,
I recently worked with a software architect who was not a very good programmer. It seems like that would be a pre requisite for being a software architect. Most other software architects I've come across are very good programmers.

What are your thoughts on this ? Can someone do  a good job on designing a system that they don't know how/are not able  to implement?

thanks ,
3 months ago
Hi ,
I've been curious about quantum computing for some time but have no practical knowledge of it.
I'm wondering how rigorous does ones physics knowledge have to be to benefit from your book ?
thank you,
11 months ago
Thank you Heather . Good luck with the book.
1 year ago

You lie.

I have been guilty of that and it worked out. That's how I got my first job .

Tech recruiters and HR departments are indeed pretty clueless for the most part.
Some get it but most do not. They just want to check boxes.

The thing with relational databases kills me. They really are all the same. Just some different bells and whistles .

1 year ago
I'd like your insight into  an issue that has come up repeatedly in my career when I tried to switch technologies that I was using.
Recruiters  only respond to resumes that have a significant relevant professional experience in a language or technology that is required for  a particular  job.

For example : I might know Python well but not used it at a previous job or used it in a limited capacity. I see a Python based job that I can do.
How do I break through the recruiter/hiring manager wall than says I am not a Python programmer and my resume is cast aside?

Thank you,
1 year ago
Thanks Venkat .
That a good suggestion. Familiarity is a temptation . I've also seen in it the code of people I've worked with.
ie. A new project but coding style is  15 years old.
1 year ago
Hi ,
I'm sure this is covered in your book but was wondering what you consider the biggest advantage of using the streams API over the collections API for handling data ?

A sample use case:
You want to iterate through a list of email addresses . If the the email is in a second list , you  send an email then handle a bounced email or do further processing after the mail is sent if not bounced.

For me, it would make more sense to use an iterator for that.

1 year ago

creativity in itself is a skill that can be learned and practiced.

That's a great point.
Thank you for pointing out  the distinction.
1 year ago
That's an interesting example of exercises to do. Thank you for the tips.
1 year ago
I totally agree with both of those points . Nothing quite replaces actually programming and trying to make something work. Especially when I don't l know how to  do it. Those situations inevitably involve a lot of reading as well.
1 year ago
Hi Wouter,
I agree with  you about quick fixes . You might resolve an immediate problem but they usually don't make you better as a programmer  . Other than reducing the stress of the immediate problem, of course !

I tend to take a process approach to projects .  I can see how thinking creatively would be an important part of that process.

This seems like an interesting book.
thank you,
1 year ago
I like it when I get advice that involves concrete actions that I can take.

The Amazon bullet points of the book mentions "Actionable advice and thinking exercises that will make you a better programmer" .
Can you describe what you think is the most important exercise that programmers should do to become better ?

Thank you,
1 year ago