bernard adaba

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since May 15, 2009
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SCJP 5, SCJD in progress
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Recent posts by bernard adaba

Wow, a whole lot of possibilities!

13 years ago
Hi All Ranchers,
I received the good news that I have passed the coveted SCJD exam.
I must confess it has been a long learning journey and a BIG THANK YOU to ALL Ranchers.
This forum and its members are forever awesome!

bought both essay and assignment last year August
wrote essay exam on 16th July 2010,
submitted assignment on 5th August 2010 to
Received results on 18th August 2010.

Some network decision
- chose RMI
- didn't generate stubs but stated in my choices.txt that with java 6 the stubs are automatically generated for you.

Discussion of results has been a bit a dull since the results breakdown was terminated by Oracle. Nevertheless, one fact still remains: Ranchers will day in day out
pass the certification!

Thank you ALL very much once again for the yeoman's job you do here.

Warmest regards

13 years ago
Hi All Ranchers,
I received the good news today that i have passed the coveted SCJD exams.
I must say I am highly excited and grateful to ALL ranchers for the great contributions and advice on this forum.
It has really been a long learning journey and experience.
Bravo for all the yeoman's job by ALL ranchers

Bought both essay and project exams last year
Wrote the essay exam 16th July 2010
Submitted assignment on 5th August 2010 to
Received results on the 18th August 2010.

Some network decision
- didn't generate stubs, but stated in my choices that with java 6 stubs are automatically generated for you.

Without marks breakdown the discussion of results has been a bit dull. Nevertheless, the fact still pertains that
ranchers are day in day out, breaking the exam!

Thank you all and God bless you.

Warmest regards

13 years ago
Hi Vivek,
I think you can start reading a book on the exam, preferably Andrew Monkhouse book.
If it makes "sense" to your time and goal, go for it. Why not?

Warmest regards
Hurraay Yu,

Warmest regards
13 years ago
@ Paul: Thanks very much Paul. I think I will be doing that.
@ Michael : I took the essay before submitting. I think that is the format now

Warmest regards
OMG..... forgive me. I meant K. Tsang. Thanks for the correction Roel. And thanks all.
Warmest regards
Hi All,
This is just to inform all ranchers that i just submitted my assignment this morning and to say A BIG THANK YOU to you all!!!
The forum has been great - enjoying, corrective, fun, critic, you name it!
All the DBFileReader and Data Class test codes by Roberto, the side by side and step by step guidelines by Roel, Carlos, Yang, Andrew and all of you have been very phenomenal. The discussions about the essay exam has also been great.
Just so happy i have finally submitted and feel at ease now, It has been a long journey and I am awaiting the results now within the 4 -6 weeks as stated in the autoresponse i received.
Thank you all, all the best and do pray a prayer of gratitude for me

Warmest regards
Congrats Carlos!
After a long while of hardwork you have finally made it.
Kudos and all best in your endeavours.

Warmest regards.
13 years ago
I was hiding the recNo in the view, but with the discussion from other Ranchers, i realised it was irrelevant.
Warmest regards.
Helloo..... Olu, welcom to Javaranch. You'll love the experience and excitement that comes with the SCJD.I think all you is your mind, motivation, this forum, and Andrew Monkhouse book and you will be a champ!
i am currently fine-tuning my assignment and i must say the logging is really good for debugging purposes. I log relevant details to a file. And i hv a util package where i am putting all my log output. With this, whatever goes on from start of application to finish can be traced.

Warmest regards
Congratulations Guys!
Am happy for you
Working on my documentation now

13 years ago