hanumantha prem

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Recent posts by hanumantha prem

Actually my question is which version of servlet and JSP that i should adhere while bulding JSF applications,using JSF of different versions.
15 years ago
Thank you Tim for your response.
15 years ago
Dear Cameron Wallace and Tim,
I am very new to JSF and don't have idea about web 2.0.as per as i understood,onclick,onsubmit all these actions can be handled at the server side.but there is a difference between server side event handling and client side event handling.I feel its bad idea to hit the server for every actions that can be handled by java Script(More load on server).and also you use document.form.submit() for these actions ,which is a javascript.What do you say?
15 years ago
I am in a confusion.I have no idea about which version of servlets should be used while developing my JSF applications.
For ex for JSF 1.0 which version of J2EE should be used,for JSF 1.1 which version should be used etc,etc.can you please clarify?
15 years ago
JSF is here to simplify life for application developers, making it possible for them to focus on the view without needing to know the
underlying markup or scripts.

I massively use scripts for onclick,onchange etc,etc javascript actions.
can somebody help me understanding this?
15 years ago
In the case of a new view, JSF builds the view of the Faces page and wires the event handlers and validators to the components. The view is saved in a FacesContext object.
In the case of an initial view (the first time a page is loaded), JSF creates an empty view. The empty view will be populated as the user causes events to occur. From an initial view, JSF advances directly to the render response phase.
My question is what happens when..and wats the difference between two.

15 years ago
you guessed it right..I am very new to JSF..Can you suggest me any good website as such ,which gives example applications on jSF?
15 years ago
I need to know where do you write application logic in JSf.?
15 years ago
Thanks tim for your advice and your answer.I am very new to javaranch so dint know about naming and will follow the same.
15 years ago
Thanks a lot Cameron for your reply.
I am using Rad 6 which generates backing beans for me.(beans for my JSP page).
My question is which method goes where.?Means is there any restriction that my action,action Listener,validation should go inside the backing beans for my jsp page or in Managed beans.?
And the below entry for jsp page is required for every jsp?

15 years ago
1,I am in a very confusion.I am not able to recognize what methods (binding,action,validation,actionlistener)a backing bean(i.e bean for my jsp page) would contain and what methods my Managed bean generated by me contain(that i can add )?.
2.Why do you make ordinary bean as managed bean?
3.is it required to add entry in faces config for every faces jsp page?(means is entry necessory?)

please expalin me.
15 years ago
But i want to keep the entries in different files..what could be done in order to do so.Please explain
15 years ago
I am working on jSF and i am using RAD 6,and I have one doubt.This is my faces config file.
<description>The one and only HelloBean.</description>
<description>Navigation from the hello page.</description>
The managed-bean helloBean is added by me for my application,and the other 2 which are generated by the application itself,i.e they are backing beans.How one can differentiate these files by looking at the faces config file..or is there any way to keep these in different files. or how do you manage in faces config. please reply
15 years ago