Vidya Sharma

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since May 22, 2009
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Recent posts by Vidya Sharma

Thanks for your suggestions..

also I wanted to know about Pentaho..

Is it better than Jasper or Crystal?
14 years ago
Hi All,

Can anyone suggest a reporting tool / reporting server which allows fast creation of reports , scheduling , distributing to users via email,ftp, soap etc and can be called from java as well as .net, also has OLAP support.

Thanks in Advance.
14 years ago
Thanks Paul..
14 years ago
Hi All,

Has anyone used BIRT?

How is it for the purpose of scheduling reports using various databases.

Thanks in Advance..
14 years ago
Hi All,

I wanted to know the advantages and disadvantages of Jasper Server and JReport Server in terms of speed, learning curve, cost, scheduling feature, ad-hoc running of reports etc.

Could anyone help me out with some good links for learning and studying about these reporting servers?

Thanks in Advance....
14 years ago

I m looking for a reporting tool to serve a variety of requirements..

I need to run reports for various clients using different databases, at some defined schedule(schedule might be any day of the week, any hour, minute or at some defined intervals) .

The tool should also support Ad-Hoc running of reports.

E-Mails should be sent to clients and report might be in the body of the mail or as an attachment in pdf, xls, html,word formats.

Platform Independence would be an advantage.

Could you all please help me out with your suggestions.

14 years ago