Dustin Schreader

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since May 25, 2009
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Recent posts by Dustin Schreader

I'm having trouble figuring out what I'm doing wrong that I'm getting the error no line found. Here is my code. I'm having the problem on line 120 and 19
13 years ago
I get pretty confused when I have too many nested for loops. I've just about got this thing to work, it's reading in from a CSV file and I've got it to save one line of the CSV file to one portion of the array but it's only the last line from the CSV file. Any idea how to get the array to contain every row of the CSV file or maybe a more simple way to accomplish this?
13 years ago
I got it to work with the read(); thanks for the help. I tried it with the Scanner but I got the same problem.
13 years ago
Ok this sounds simple enough but here is my problem, when I try to choose option 6 I prompt the console to have an item entered but no input text option pops up it just goes straight into prompting to Please enter price and just skips over entering item. Not really sure what I'm doing wrong here.
13 years ago
Thank you for your help. I figured the string wasn't being parsed correctly if I'm saying that right, so I did eventually fall upon the chomp method!
13 years ago
I've been looking around about how to find string equality and from what I've seen I just need to use eq but if AT is entered into the following code it's saying its not equal and i'm not sure why.

13 years ago
Very cool, It works now and I only had to change weekday - 1! Thank you!
13 years ago
I have this method that is supposed to display the day of week given the preferred month, day, and year. When I test this method I get the wrong day and if I try to enter a higher number for the day such as 17 I get an arrayIndexOutofBoundsException: 7. I'm using the gregorianCalendar. Am I not correctly using DAY_OF_WEEK?

13 years ago
I got it working
13 years ago
So I've just about got it complete except when the if statement is executed it adds a data row to other arrayList every time the item isn't CS. So I figured the best way to add a dataRow to the other arrayLists is only when CS isn't showing up in the 3rd column. So instead of doing something like this:

So I tried to do this

But that didn't work

13 years ago
Yeah I figured that wouldn't work so well So I revised it a little. This is what I have now.

13 years ago
How do I get the value of the third item in the array into a variable to test it against cat?
13 years ago
ok well, I decided to go with a different format because I like the gui better. I copied it from another source so now i'm trying to figure out how to get the drop down box in the upper left side and I do not need a button, I would like to have SMH, RMH, Both used as the pavilion when they are selected without having to click an apply type of button.
13 years ago
I'm new to using gridlayout and combo boxs. I would like to get a combo box with three options, Saint Mary's hospital, Methodist, and both. Once an option is selected a search (textfield) will look through that certain list for certain names. This is what I have so far and I'm just trying to figure out how to get the combo box to appear.

13 years ago
Yup that is correct. Well I might as well put the rest of my code out there. This is my DropOutStack Class maybe it would be easier to override the toString in here? I guess I'm kinda confused about some of the code you added and how it works like this part. return stackTop == null ? "" : stackTop.printStack();
14 years ago