viswanath yadav

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since May 25, 2009
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Recent posts by viswanath yadav

Hi Everybody,

Is the onchange="submit()" will cause the loosing of focus from current text field. If then how can i get the focus from current input text field to next input text field?
please anybody give me the solution for getting the focus of the text filed.

Thanks in Advance,

A.Viswanath Yadav
15 years ago
Hi Everybody !

I am loosing the focus of the Text box when i tabbed out from one text box to another. I had a code like this,

<h:inputText id="BUField" value="#{}" size="12" onchange="submit()" valueChangeListener="#{distribLines.modifyBuVCL}" styleClass="#{}" >

<h:inputText id="account" value="#{}" size="6" onchange="submit()" valueChangeListener="#{distribLines.modifyAccountVCL}" styleClass="#{}" >

In the above code, while i am tabbing out from first filed to second field, i am not getting the focus of the curosr, the focus is going to some where else.

Please give me a solution to get the focus of the cursor as for the order of the inputText boxes.

Thanks in Advance,


15 years ago
Hi Everybody,

Can anyone help in printing the double value as 0.00.
The code snippet is like this,

double d=0.00;

The code shown above will print the value as 0.0, but i want to print the double variable as it is 0.00.

I used a code like this ,

DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");

But here the double value is converting a format as String, i don't want to print the string value, I want to print the double variable itself to print the 0.00.

Can anybody please help to provide the code.

Thanks in Advance,

A.Viswanath Yadav.
15 years ago

keep the message tag seperately in panelGrid above the DataTable and declare the message tag as Globally like the code shown below,

<h:panelGrid id="panel1" columns="1" width="100%">
<h:messages id="message_queryDesign" globalOnly="true" layout="table" showDetail="true" errorClass="ERROR" infoClass="INFO" />

then it will work fine.

Thanks ,

A.Viswanath Yadav
15 years ago

FacesContext object is created for entire application, and it handle multiple faces requests.


A.Viswanath Yadav
15 years ago
Hi to All,

can anybody help me for my problem coming in DataTable, I have a DataTable with five columns as input text boxes, when i entered a value in first input text box and want to tabbing the focus to next input text box, in the mean time there is a functionality to validate the value entered in the first text box, for this i wrote a validator class which implements the Validator interface and this class is registered in faces-config.xml file and added the validator tag for this input text box.

Now the problem i am getting is while tabbing out from first text filed to second text filed, the focus of the cursor is not going to second text box, the focus goes to some where else.

please kindly help to get the focus of the curson for the second text box,

Thanks in Advance,

A.Viswanath Yadav.
15 years ago
Bu i got a output, based on the webservice i am getting the values and validating and updating the fileds in a bean, its working fine and i din't get any conflicts.

15 years ago

This code may helpful for you, go through this code, you have to write the code in Action class in struts to get the Id of the link what you pressed.

Follow the code below,

public class QueryAction extends Action

private static final String ID_LINK = "IdofyourLink"; ------>(Id of the link)
private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ContentQueryAction.class);

public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form,
HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)

DynaActionForm dynaForm = (DynaActionForm)form;
String linkId = (String) dynaForm.get(ID_LINK); ---> get the Id of the link and then validate it is correct or not.



Viswanath Angajala
15 years ago


Performance measurements have shown that plain server side state
saving (without serialization and without compressing state) comes
with the best values.

Also usage of StreamingAddResource brings about 20% performance

Apart from that, using JSP as page description slows down. Facelets
would be the better choice concerning performance.

15 years ago
Can you post the code and give me the problem clearly ?
15 years ago
Hi all,

i want a solution for updating the bean values in the phase of Process Validation, i want a scenario like this..

i have to validate a input filed , for this i wrote a validation class which implement Validator interface, in this validator class the input filed value should be validae by calling webService method. Based on this valid value, i have to update the managed bean property values. here i am getting the managed bean object from the faces context object and setting the bean property values, but this updating is do in Update model values phase. But the phase is skipped from Process Validation phase to Render Response phase, So, here the values is not updating.

Please anybody give me the reason and as well as code if you have.

15 years ago
Hi to all,

where do the Statement interface methods are implemented such as st.execute(), st.executeUpdate(), st.close(), st.batchUpdate(), st.addBatch()... so on methods, i man which JDBC class this methods are implimented


How can we impliment frameset like in HTML in JSF, Can anybody help me, i have a scenario like on the left side of the JSF page tree having linked nodes, while we click on the node under the tree, that related page result would be displayed on right side of the JSF page?


15 years ago
Hi to all,

Can any one help me to make a SelectOneMenu list box as a editable component, suppose if user need to enter own choice other than the list of values in a SelectOneMenu.
can any one send me the send me the code.


15 years ago