This week's book giveaway is in the Agile and Other Processes forum.
We're giving away four copies of DevSecOps Adventures: A Game-Changing Approach with Chocolate, LEGO, and Coaching Games and have Dana Pylayeva on-line!
See this thread for details.

Andy Brookfield

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since Sep 26, 2001
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Recent posts by Andy Brookfield

If WebLogic runs out of memory and I have an error redirector (to another JSP page) within my JSPs how do I get the error page to run? Java has just crashed and is therefore not even running.
If I change my error handler to point to HTML pages, will the error page(s) be displayed?
22 years ago
Weblogic allows me to redirect server errors to beautification pages HOWEVER (the question is...) how do I find out what page caused the error in the first place?
22 years ago

Originally posted by Ilja Preuss:
So you are reading 40000 rows from a database??? You don't *really* *need* all of them, do you?

I once wrote a piece of code to display "heart rate variability (HRV)" ... basically I would retrieve a whole day or weeks worth of heart-beat information then dynamically generate a GIF image of the heartbeats... 100K+ records / individual / day!!! Was it worth the hit on the database (1 minute processing time+)? Of course it was because I could determine bad heartrates MUCH faster than some doctor somewhere physically sitting down and measuring the HRV by hand! This was also made available via the net and was greeted very warmly by the practitioners involved
22 years ago

Originally posted by Joe McGuire:
Hmm... interesting problem. I'm sure there must be a way to do it programmatically, I just don't know of one off the top of my head. I'll try some stuff out and ask around. It could be something useful to know.

I sure hope there is a way without either deleting the class files, or, physically "touch"ing all those jsp's
23 years ago

Does this solve your problem?[/B]

Sorry Joe, it doesn't ... We've got a whole site that is in the process of being "revamped" because there are too many hard codes involved... specifically, these hard codes are within "include files" and apparently WebLogic doesn't recompile the JSPs easily, that's why I'm after a "programmatic" or otherwise way to force a recompile of the JSP's "real-time"
23 years ago
I can always delete the offending jsp servlets but is there a programmatic way I can force WebLogic to recompile the jsp's for me
23 years ago
Every so often, WebLogic barfs and gives the infamous 404 error, there's no apparent chain of events to this and reconstructing the error reliably is (I believe) impossible.
On hitting the refresh button, everything returns to normal (for a while anyways)
23 years ago

Originally posted by George Brown:
[B]It seems as though you might be missing ASP and ColdFusion.

Yes, I'm missing the added functionality that CF, ASP and PHP offer (mainly because I've become such a lazy programmer!) unfortunately this HAS to be written in JSP for WebLogic 5.1 I just thought I throw the question out there anyways.
Thanks for taking the time

23 years ago
Lets assume that I'm a "novice" programmer and that I really need to include 5 "pre-processing" pages at the top of every single jsp in an application (Color defs, Database connections, whatever), I would prefer to write the code once (and not really have to physically include it on every single page)... knowing that the code was being implicitly included would be as good if not better than physically having the <%@ yah-de-yah %> at the top of every single page in the app...
The only version of WebLogic I have at my disposal is 5.1 therefore some of the newer tricks from 6.x are not available to me. Does this explanation make it any easier to understand what I'm trying to accomplish? Of course I can <%@ yah-de-yah %> at the top of every page BUT if I forget it just once something will most certainly break and it could be days before said page gets requested... therefore if it could be done implicitly it would be a much better scenario for me

Originally posted by George Brown:
Even after your explanation of "pre-processing" pages I'm not too sure what you mean. I don't see why you would need these kind of pages when your servlets and JSPs are dynamic anyway.

23 years ago
Coming from an ASP and ColdFusion background, I know that there are "pages" that get executed for every http request made of the app-server... ASP=Global.asa, CF=Application.cfm & OnRequestEnd.cfm... The question: Is there a similar "page" available from the WebLogic server (remembering that obviously there is pre-processing being done as it has to know if the JSP page is pre-compiled, and if not... do the compile before serving the page)... can I get access to this "pre-processing" page and extend it or add to it somehow?
23 years ago