Jyoti kas

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since May 28, 2009
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Thanks for this information Indu
15 years ago
Ya Sheriff,

Its test metrics only.Apologise for the inconvience caused to you and other readers also.If you could throw some light on test metrics and test reporting its really appreciable.

15 years ago
Thanks a lot Sheriff
15 years ago
Hi all,

Can some one explain or share ,real scenrios based examples to clarify these terms -Test metrices and Test reporting.
A quick reponse is highly appreciable.

15 years ago
Thanks for your reply Sheriff,

'Exam material' I mean to say--which books should I refer for clearing CSQA.As there is no defind syallabus for CSQA.If someone knows variety of questions asked in CSQA exam,in case if they had attempted same paper.

15 years ago
Hi all,

I am appearing for CSQA(Certified software Quality Analyst) certification.Can someone send me CSQA syallabus and exam material.
Please reply soon,if anyone having some information for the same.


15 years ago
Hi all,

I am preparing for Sofware Quality assurance exam.
What are the points covered in Test Enviroment Managment?
I feel appreciated -if anyone can ellaborate with an example.

Can someone guide me and explain it.
15 years ago