sai rama krishna

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Recent posts by sai rama krishna

Thank you very much.
16 hours ago

In notepad ++ how to format big json and see its structure. Few elements of json has String as key and value and few elements are bit complex where String is key and big array as value. I like to see if any option to format these big payloads in Notepad++ rather than creating json file in IntelliJ idea and format and see the structure. Please advise
18 hours ago
Thank you very much. This is very informative. I will check further in this direction.
23 hours ago

I am looking for retry logic for REST API GET and POST API calls when the the fetch and update operations fail in a do-while or for kind of loops. What are best practices around this. What kind of logging I have to implement for this for future debugging, analysis purpose in higher environments like production. Any good links, resources around this. Please advise
1 day ago
Thank you. I will work on those challenges in that same order. If some one gives me idea or code it makes sense to me. But I am taking long time to get ideas and  implementation plan which I am currently working on to improve.
1 day ago
Thank you very much. Some more configurations I added helped me further.
2 days ago
Thank you very much.
Where i can find these type of moderate to high complex real time challenges to practice?
(It took 4 days for me to understand think through and modify existing implementation to enhance this type of logic which should Ideally be done in few minutes once I practice these type of challenges daily or more frequently)
2 days ago
Thank you. After this change if I have 490 records it seems doing first 200 and last 90 but not 200 in between some reason.

If I have 660 it is updating 460 but leaving 200 records in middle. I have to run the application one more time to update these remaining 200 as well.

If I have 880 it is updating 680 but leaving 200 records in middle. I have to run the application one more time to update these remaining 200 as well.

I changed to for loop and changed condition from < to <= still same behavior.
Please advise
2 days ago

I have code like above to fetch and then update the issues.

If I have 200 records it is fetching and updating fine.

If I have 390 records 190 records at the end not getting updated.
I am setting offset to limit (200) at end of loop

New offset increases from 0 to 200
New limit again pushed 200 more.

If the edge case of 190 end record in case of 390 does not work

If the record 640 up to 600 it is updating fine but last 40 records not updating.

If the record 2020 up to 2020 it is updating fine but last 20 edge case records not updating.

I am able to fetch exact count dynamic value as below

How can I fix my edge cases based on above IssuesIntSize  and issueUpdateBatchSize  and IssuesIntSize

i am unable to understand how to modify below for edge case last iteration numbers like 190 ,40, 20 etc.
Please advise
3 days ago
Below is the third party API used.
To fetch instead of 1000 records If I like to fech say 400 records one time like pagination

I have to modify below code

as below ?

Please advise
1 week ago
Thank you.
Every time I run the app from intelli idea it is updating 950 count of records with above query condition when I give condition in the swagger  query text field.
I just ran swagger GET all api call  4 times after executing app for 4 times.
First time when I ran app and run the swagger GET all api call count is 5663
Second time when I ran app and run the swagger GET all api call count is 4713
Third time when I ran app and run the swagger GET all api call count is 2813
Fourth time when I ran app and run the swagger GET all api call count is 1863
Fifth time when I ran app and run the swagger GET all api call count is 913
Sixth time when I ran app and run the swagger GET all api call count is 63
Count kept decreasing by 950 except sixth time it reduced by 850 at that time only 850 seems to be matching items with the query

This app is talking to 3rd party site which seems releasing only 1000 records every time even though total count is around way more than 1000 like around 30000 initially but as i keep running app total count keep reducing to 5663 to 4713 to 2813 to 1863

Instead of GET all I can do POST all to insert more records like 9000 (if i POST 10000 third party site giving some upper limit exceeded type of error but ok with 9000 records payload).

i try to reach Third party site admin to see if he can increase 1000 limit to may be like 5000 etc.

I am wondering why every time 950 stories getting updated not 1000.
Along with 950 matching records third party app might be releasing 50 non matching records which is bit surprising.
Please advise
1 week ago
Thank you.
I just did on  result.keySet().size() which shows 3 which are basically number of map elements which is not useful
I just did on  testArr.length() which shows 1000 which is not 30000 some where 29000 records getting lost which I am unable to understand though.
Please advise
1 week ago
Thank you.

once jsonTestObject returned from above code

result is returned as below
JSONObject result=
fetchItems( restTemplate, item_url, local-id, global-id)

then filtering based on data key word which is coming as 1000 records instead of around 30000 records

There is no UI though for users to see this data.   How to find how many records returned by this app as jsonTestObect structure is bit confusing to me where it shows both 1000 also 30000. Please advise
1 week ago method call code looks like below

When I am debugging jsonTestObject has complex structure. It has map which has 3 elements as below
1. exceeds_tota_count
2. data has key as "itemsData"  value has JSONArray  and myArrayList which shows size as 1000
3. total_Count shows around 30000

I am not sure whey 2 shows as 1000 and 3 shows as 30000 and importance of the map having myArrayList and JSONArray etc. I am trying to search online but did not get any relevant specific links. Please advise
1 week ago
Thank you. I am using Intellij IDEA IDEA. Any where I can change Intellij IDEA display setting. How to find it is API limitation issue or the Intellij IDEA display setting issue?
1 week ago