praveen shinde

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since Jun 03, 2009
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Recent posts by praveen shinde

I am working on BIRT report. and I am getting an error : Column binding "EMP_CODE" has referred to a data set column "EMP_CODE" which does not exist.

But I am not using any emo_code in the stored procedure which i am calling.

please help.
i have given the xsd path as follows:

<xsd:import namespace="" schemaLocation="f://praveen//docs//ppp.xsd"></xsd:import>

in the wsdl file imported in the client web project in eclips

11 years ago
I downloaded the wsdl and have given the path of the xsd in my mcahine. even then it gives the same error.

11 years ago
i am creating a web service client for a secure web service (requiring user name , password for access). but while generating the client in eclipse by right clicking the wsdl i am getting the error

"schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document '', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the
document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>."

So I cannot create the client (in an eclipse web project) to access the web service.

Kindly help
11 years ago
Thanks Dittmer,
I am getting the zip file (with a name which I am giving in the code).

11 years ago
hi Ulf Dittmer,
Ok, I will try that out.
Thanks & regards,
11 years ago
Hello friends,
I am creating a zip file from a string.In the code below zipOS is creating a zip file with an entry of rama.txt. But I am not understanding how to give a name to the resulting zip file. Any help is most welcome.


11 years ago
The error is at the following line.
JasperPrintManager.printReport("build/reports/report5.jrprint", true);
Hello friends,
When I run a simple application for crating a jasper report with jasper apis getting following error.

net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException: Invalid page index range : 0 - -1 of 0

Any help is welcome.

code is given below:
Hello ,
I have one jsp in which I am using html form.
I am using submit button to give the values from the form.
but when i run the application it is not showing any result what could be the error. Please help.

The jsp part for submit is given here.

12 years ago
Hello ,
Sorry about the missing subject line,
I forgot to put the subject.
Yes i found tutorials when i googled.
13 years ago

I want info on a good tutorial for JSTL and EL.
Any help is most welcome
13 years ago
I am getting the following error
" Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ClassCastException: $Proxy0 cannot be cast to com.test.Remote1
at com.test.TestBean.main("

I have a client in the same directory as the ejb java files. The ejb is deployed on JBOSS. The jndi name of the EJB is 'Bean1-test'.
I have not added the jboss-common.jar file in classpath.
Is this the problem. I have jboss 5.1
Any help is most welcome
13 years ago
i will post my updates shortly.
13 years ago