David J Smith

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since Jun 09, 2009
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Recent posts by David J Smith

You are correct, I am making that assumption however I need to in order to keep a handle on the Websphere task from my code. The problem is that websphere removes the tasks from the database once they are complete, does anyone know how to keep them in the table as complete, I guess it's not possible.
12 years ago
I have a WebSphere task scheduler set up and some other code that does various things involving scheduled tasks. To keep track of things I use the TaskId that is generated by WebSphere upon scheduling the task. This is all fine until I started messing around with the config. At some point the scheduler started creating task Ids that were lower than one's created in the past. This means my surrounding code gets confused by two of my 'tasks' referencing the same WebSphere task. Does anyone know how I can increase the WebSphere scheduler taskId generator value? At the moment I just have a horrible hack whereby I create and delete a load of tasks in order to increase the scheduler task id up to my last task id value. It's nasty but I can't see what else to do just now (I can't alter my tasks due to auditing).

Does anybody have any ideas?
12 years ago
I have been working with Java for about 3 years now, mostly in the following areas:

Java 4, 5, 6
JSF 1.2 + ICEFaces and RichFaces
Websphere and Process Server

I have some limited experience in Spring, Spring MVC and Struts. I am at the moment pushing my company to send me on the Spring Core course.

My question is, at this stage in my career, which technologies do people recommend I look for next as essentials to becoming a good senior J2EE developer?

Thanks for any help and advice.
12 years ago
And one more thing, does no-one in J2EE land care what the rendered HTML looks like? PHP coders would feel queasy looking at some of the HTML output from J2EE apps, everything on one line for example, or tons of white-space.
13 years ago
I've just been thrown in the deep end with an ICEFaces project and one of my initial reactions, having done a bit of web design in the past, is the use of tables for layout. These days in the world of web design, it is considered very backwards to use tables for anything other than displaying data. Do some of the other JSF component libraries avoid this despicable practice? Surely it wouldn't be hard to have an icefaces.css file which handles all the layout and have the component library render 'proper' XHTML.

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense, for example, I am currently working on an enterprise project where the corporation has style guidelines. If things were done MY way, the styling would be completely out of the Java code, in my (very) humble opinion, where it should be. If all the css classes were named correctly in the Java code, the corporation's standard css file could be used without having to modify much.

On top of that, a good standard css file and image library or two would mean everything would already look pretty good for those Java gurus who don't want to touch HTML/CSS and anything above that you would just write your own CSS for to overwrite the default styles.

What say the panel?

Disclaimer: Like I said, I am new to all this Faces malarkey.
13 years ago
I'm logging into the server using the sa user so it should show everything no?
By the way, Table1 is a view, not sure if this makes any difference?

I am using the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC Driver 2.0.
I have the following query

When I run this in SQL Server Management Studio I get 176 rows returned, however when I run it using the JDBC Driver with the following command I only get 24 rows.

I am completely stuck, any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cool, thanks for all your help.
14 years ago
I'm not trying to prove a point or be stubborn or something, I really just want a bit of advice on how I should be doing things (like now I'm going to start using servlets I think) and why I should do these things. What is the reason. I don't want to just start doing things for no reason other than I think I should. So far I've got:

1. You shouldn't submit to a jsp
I'm going to stop doing this and start using servlets

2. The UI and business logic aren't completely separated
It looks to me like it is? I could change UI without changing any business logic.

3. It's ok for simple apps but gets more complicated when you have more business logic.
As the UI is separate, I don't see how it gets any more complicated?

I've already learn't some useful terms and to start using servlets so it's going well so far!
14 years ago

All of my business logic is not mixed in with such beans, but completely segregated in a layer that could be used with any UI, not just a web UI.

The beans have absolutely nothing in them that links them to a web UI. They are just a load variables with accessors for each variables. They do not extend any other class (unless I want them to have some methods easily available such as DB connections or something like that). The UI populates the variables and reads the variables and that is it. As far as I can see, it is completely separate. I could write a Swing UI and use the beans without changing even 1 line.
14 years ago

I wouldn't use Struts 2 or Spring MVC or whatever for a tiny application with very little logic.

That's the thing, some of my work has loads of business logic in it and I can't see how that changes things. I have 1 method in my bean that works out what it should do with the information based on what values are in the bean then does it. This never ends up being many lines of code as it is usually asking other classes to do the stuff. If I get my code to do loads of weird and wonderful stuff, how does that change the web end of things?
14 years ago
I had just finished reading that article actually!

So what I mean is:

At the moment I am working on a project where I have a load of HTML forms that constantly need to be changed and updated etc. Obviously, using a basic Java Bean with

makes sense. The forms are mapped to beans where I can put all my logic for validation and database work etc. When saving these forms I am submitting them to jsps where really I should be submitting them to a controller servlet? My question is, how do I get the servlet to read these beans?

it is very important to understand the concepts and best practices so that you aren't just digging yourself a hole that you might never emerge from.

That's why I posted this!
14 years ago
So you always submit to a Servlet? I've never used Servlets so I didn't even think of that but I suppose that's the way to do it.

How do you pass your session beans to the Servlet?

The Servlet is then the controller so that would be the missing element in my MVC really.
14 years ago
14 years ago