kaushik adya

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since Jun 09, 2009
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Surya Kant wrote:Hi I have integrated Struts with GWT and it is working fine.
It is very easy to do.If anyone is facing problem feel free to contact me.

I was planning on using GWT with Struts 2. There are two main features which I require.
1. The forms might have components which require AJAX (Auto complete feature)
2. Upon submitting the form, the values of the components need to be displayed in the URL. This is a requirement because, the resutls page needs to be bookmarkable.
PS: The submit could be a Struts form submit action.

For this, I thought that the solution could be to have a GWT form included in a struts jsp page. However, the problem I face is that I am not able to access the values of the GWT components when I submit the form. Any idea, how to solve this problem? For that matter, I do not even have to use Struts; can use some other framework

Thank you,
15 years ago