Erum Momin

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since Jun 10, 2009
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Recent posts by Erum Momin

Hi Tiki,
Thank you! ! !
And congratulation ! ! ! !

Tiki Shabudin wrote:Okay folks, I got this from the horse's mouth so to speak. It came about because I too was a borderline case (my Score: 65%. Okay, I was never any good with tests), so I wrote sun a little email and here is the reply I got yesterday (August 7, 2009)....

Hello Tiki,

Thank you for contacting Sun Certification Customer Support. We apologize for our delay in responding to your inquiry.

As part of Sun Microsystems’ continuing commitment to keep our certifications up-to-date and relevant, the content for the Sun Certified Programmer for the Java Platform, Standard Edition 6 (CX-310-065) certification exam was recently refreshed. However, the passing percentage for this exam was errantly set at 66 percent rather than the correct passing score of 58 percent.

Our records indicate that you did not pass your exam as a result. We are in the process of changing your failing score to a passing score. Your new passing score will be republished to the Sun Certification Database at

Once that is complete, your certification package will be mailed to you. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing and delivery.

We have also requested that Prometric mail a corrected exam score report to all affected candidates. You should allow 8 to 10 weeks to receipt of your corrected score report.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience you may have experienced as a result of this issue.

Please let us know if we may provide further assistance. Thank you for choosing Sun products and services.

Best regards,

Eric Boice
Sun Certification Customer Support

Hopefully, this will bring a smile to those who are/were in the same boat as I.

Hi Tiki,
So does that mean that we have passed the exam and don't need to give the test again?
Coz i'm still confused since i contacted sun people, prometric and they all say that it doesn't show you as passed the exam.... if you want you can give the retake.... and sun people are saying to wait for to reply your email.
Did you write to regarding this? coz i have already written it to them and haven'nt got hte reply yet.

Nitish Bangera wrote:Even i am confused..... Well now that sun people have replied to you then may be its the truth.......but in the site its something else. What's going on???

No, even in the sun's website the passing score is set to 58.33% (35 out of 60)..

Erum Momin wrote:Hi All,
Last friday i gave SCJP6 exam and i got 65%. so i failed just fo 1%..... and today i got the email from Sun microsystem's support department that the passing score for scjp6.0 was set errantly to 66% instead of 58% and their records indicate that i did not pass the exam as a result. they wrote "We are in the process of changing your failing score to a passing score. Once that is complete, your certification package will be mailed to you. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing and delivery."...
Has anyone got this email???
I have already taken the retake dat that is 14th july?
what should i do now?? does that mean i have passed SCJP6.0 or should i prepare for my retake???
Please help me....

Sorry the new retake date is 14th august....
Hi All,
Last friday i gave SCJP6 exam and i got 65%. so i failed just fo 1%..... and today i got the email from Sun microsystem's support department that the passing score for scjp6.0 was set errantly to 66% instead of 58% and their records indicate that i did not pass the exam as a result. they wrote "We are in the process of changing your failing score to a passing score. Once that is complete, your certification package will be mailed to you. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for processing and delivery."...
Has anyone got this email???
I have already taken the retake dat that is 14th july?
what should i do now?? does that mean i have passed SCJP6.0 or should i prepare for my retake???
Please help me....
Hi all,
can anyone tell me what will be the result of following case?

package foo;
public class Sup{
void doit();

what can access the doit();
A. Any class
B. only the Sup class
C.any class in package foo
D. any class that extends Sup.
14 years ago
Hi All,
Can anybody please tell me... what is ruling for access modifiers of the constructor...
A constructor must have the same access modifier as it's class?
Please help me....

Jason Irwin wrote:

Erum Momin wrote:Can anyone please tell me what will the output of the following code... i cannot try this at my PC since i don't have java 6.0 on it.

You can have different version of Java on the one machine. Just make sure to update the paths before compilation/run so that the version you expect is used.
I'd recommend creating a couple of batch files/bash scripts to do this.

Was this from a book or mock exam? If so, please quote the source.

No this is not from the book... this was from examLab. But the question was asked with some other compilation error along with this type of for loop... and because of that the for loop part is not explained anywhere. I was just wondering what if this type of question comes in exam.... then would it cause a compilation error or anything else would happen?

Sebastian Janisch wrote:First, please put your code between the code tags.

The enhanced for loop is a quick way of iterating over a Collection or Array for you.

As if you coded a regular for loop and within the loop retrieve the current value using the current index of the loop, the enhanced loop does that for you by assigning the current value to what is declared before the colon.

This means your example is wrong.

Instead of

it needs to be

Yeah, i know how does teh enhanced for loop works but i just wanted to try this since in many mock tests i've found this.
Hi All,
Can anyone please tell me what will the output of the following code... i cannot try this at my PC since i don't have java 6.0 on it.
int [] p = new int [] {1,2,3,4};
for(int a : p){
System.out.println(p+" " );
Hi Ireneusz,
I got it ! good explanation! ! !
Thanks again...
hi Ireneusz,

It's much moe clear now.... thak you very much! !
I have one more question... does calling notify() without waking up any waiting process has any side effect?
Hi All,
In this code when the main method calls b.start(), the lock is owned by the synchronized block in the run method of the ThreadB class. And it won't be availbe for the main method to call the synchronized block in main method..... that's what i got from the code below... can anyone explain me how will it work?

class ThreadA
public static void main(String [] args)
ThreadB b= new ThreadB();

System.out.println("Waiting for b to complete..");
b.wait(); //1
catch(InterruptedException e)
System.out.println("Total is: " +;

class ThreadB extends Thread
int total;
public void run()
for(int i=0; i<100; i++){
yeah, i think that's the great way...
I was trying to solve this by writing the small program...
Thank you.
How many catch blocks can be associated with a try block???
Does every try block has one and only one catch block?