Fei Wong

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since Jun 15, 2009
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Recent posts by Fei Wong

May I know does loads the driver class means import the driver class using import statement?
Hi, I have study the EJB book saying that it should release resource in @predestroy method.
But I have a question that can the resource release in @remove method?
Hi Mihai Radulescu,

I roughly get your meaning. from the transaction model point of view, these 2 are no difference.
while from the entity point of view, there is the difference. Am I correct?

then may I know what is the difference between container-managed entity managers JTA and application-managed entity managers JTA?
Are there both same in terms of JTA?
i was wondering both query select department, why it return different row result?

Thank You
hi juz wan to ask can we use other name like abc.xml instead of orm.xml?

Thanl you very much
Hi, I don't understand what does this question asking:

Under which two conditions can the developer expect the persistence provider to ensure that all changes made to the persistence context in the transaction are visible to the processing of the query?

I just don't understand the term "visible to the processing of the query".

Can anyone please explain to me?

Thank You very much
thanks for the advice
now studying the session bean concept, feel hard to digest the concept
hi all expert, i'm just start study on SCBCD found that EJB 2 is quite different with EJB 3
Should I study the old ejb 2 1st?
Or straigh away look into the new ejb 3?
Thanks for advice
Hi all, I have a question on the servlet. The code is in below

May I know why the HttpServletResponse interface reference variable can straight using the method without instantiation? Thanks
14 years ago
Hello,I'm j2ee beginner.
I'm trying to learn j2ee by doing the firstcup demo from java sun.
I'm following each step by step configuration except using the glassfish server instead of sun java application server.
However,I failed to deploy my project. Here is my deploy message:

Compiling 2 source files to C:\Documents and Settings\FEI\Desktop\myexample\firstcup-dukes-age\build\web\WEB-INF\classes
Building jar: C:\Documents and Settings\FEI\Desktop\myexample\firstcup-dukes-age\dist\firstcup-dukes-age.war
In-place deployment at C:\Documents and Settings\FEI\Desktop\myexample\firstcup-dukes-age\build\web
deploy?path=C:\Documents and Settings\FEI\Desktop\myexample\firstcup-dukes-age\build\web&name=firstcup-dukes-age&force=true&properties=keepSessions=true running on GlassFish V3
C:\Documents and Settings\FEI\Desktop\myexample\firstcup-dukes-age\nbproject\build-impl.xml:551: The module has not been deployed.
BUILD FAILED (total time: 3 seconds)

Anyone can help me?
15 years ago