vikash mishra

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Kumarjit Chakraborty wrote:Meng,

Same result. And the main thing is the WSDL file is not getting created.


From all your postings looks like you have cleaned up all the mess, except the following warning that i found from your logs...

WARNING: [SetPropertiesRule]{Server/Service/Engine/Host/Context} Setting property 'source' to 'org.eclipse.jst.jee.server:Axis2WSTest' did not find a matching property.

I will redirect you to one link it may helpful, hope this will fix your problem, its problem with the tomcat setting this link will point you what to do..

15 years ago

If you really like to know about port address for the http as well as you want to change it to your specific way, for the jboss 4.x
i will suggest you to go to the below location.

%JBOSS_HOME%\server\default\deploy\jboss-web.deployer and open server.xml

else if you are using jboss 5.x you can go to the

%JBOSS_HOME%\server\default\deploy\jbossweb.sar and open server.xml. And after opening the file
try to find out the similar code written in the code section.

port="8080" can be changed with the user defined number but make sure you are not trying to use some reserved port and the other default ports which are mentioned and already allocated for the diffrent applications.

I hope post of mine is what your are intended .

15 years ago

Can you please tell me, where you have done the setting for the connection pooling? Weathor it was done inside the mysql-ds.xml or jboss-service.xml as mbean or separate hibernate-service.xml in .har file?

Let me know what property and attribute was used for setting.

Thanks in advance.
Vikash Chandra Mishra
15 years ago
I am not sure if you have missed this but you can still go ahead and setup default/conf/jboss-service.xml if you have not done yet.

<attribute name="SessionFactoryName">
You can change the text which is bold with your own specific jndi name. then your code will able to get the hibernate sessionFactotry.
Thanks and Regards
Vikash Chandra Mishra
15 years ago