Michael Angstadt

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since Jun 17, 2009
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6 years professional Java experience

Sun Certified Java Programmer

Sun Certified Web Component Developer

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Philadelphia, PA
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Recent posts by Michael Angstadt

As a software developer, it's important to make your code readable so that other developers (as well as your future self) can understand what you've written.  However, complex regular expressions are notoriously difficult to read.  Do you have any tips for improving the readability of regular expressions?  Thank you!
6 years ago

I maintain a handful of open source projects in my spare time.  I am the sole developer on these projects (I very rarely get pull requests or patches).  How well do the principles in your book apply to projects that only have a single person working on them?  Are the principles in your book more centered around large teams?  Thank you!

Michael Angstadt

Karl Beecher wrote:I'd love to do a companion book--or maybe an expanded section edition--that discusses how (not) to do software engineering. VC would fit right in. If there's good feedback from this book, maybe I can make it happen!

Haha, I would love to read that! Thanks for answering my question!
6 years ago
Hi Karl,

If the free sample is any indication, the book looks hilarious!  Do you discuss version control at all, such as how to write a good commit message? (or rather, how to write a bad one ;) )

6 years ago
Hi Mr. Rothwell,

Does the book cover how to develop a specific type of application, or is it broader in scope?  For example, does it focus on Linux kernel development, client-side GUI development, CLI programs, a mix of everything?  The table of contents seems to suggest that it doesn't focus on a specific type of application development.

Thank you!!
7 years ago
Hi Rick,

Is there anything SVN does better than Git? ;)

Thanks for writing the book!

Thank you,
Thanks for your responses.

Wow, I didn't know that so much of the JDK code base has duplicate code! Was that OpenJDK or some other implementation?

I agree with S G Ganesh about identical class names. In theory, you should keep your class names as short and concise as possible. After all, their package names will differentiate them from other classes in other packages that have the same name. But in practice, it can be annoying if you are using two identically named classes from different packages inside of the same class. Then, you're forced to identify at least one of the classes using its fully-qualified name, which is super annoying.

What is the most common design smell that you've seen in Java? What is the mistake that people make the most, in your experience?

Thank you.
What's the most common Java security vulnerability you've seen which could be corrected with better programming practices?
10 years ago
Hi Rogers,

During the time you've spent researching and writing your book, have any ideas on how Java can be improved upon jumped out at you? Like any language or API improvements/additions? Also, do you think Scala will replace Java as the JVM's main language in the future, as some people are predicting?

10 years ago
Padmarag thanks, that answered my question.
12 years ago
With JAX-RS, you have to download a separate library in order to use it. Sun's implementation is called Jersey and it does NOT come packaged with the JDK. Does the same apply to JAX-WS? Do you have to download a separate library to create a SOAP web service? Thanks.
12 years ago
This is sort of a stupid question, but is JAX-WS an actual implementation or is it just an API that vendors can create implementations for? I ask this because I know that JAX-RS (Java's API for RESTful web services) is just an API...the JDK doesn't ship with an actual implementation of JAX-RS. Thanks.
12 years ago
I thought I would share my thoughts, since I was having the same problem (even though this thread is very old).

I did what Ramamoorthy Govindaraj suggested (except my input/output streams used files instead of Strings because my XML document was very large and storing the entire document in memory would have been inefficient):

But that still didn't work. When I opened the file in a text editor (Notepad++), I saw a question mark character at the very beginning of the file. After I deleted that character, I could parse the file successfully.

Working with encodings is annoying because text files are supposed to be simple.
Yes, just like servlets, a single instance of the service implementation bean is used to handle all requests. So it just boils down to whether or not your DAO is thread safe. If it is thread-safe, then storing the DAO in a class-level variable would be fine. But if it is not thread-safe, then you could still use a class-level variable, but you would have to make sure to synchronize on it so that only one thread can access the DAO at a time. You could also just create a new instance of the DAO in each of the web methods.
14 years ago