Vamsi Mohan

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since Jun 20, 2009
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Recent posts by Vamsi Mohan

How can I access a local running web application (pre-prod application working in UK) from my india ? I know there should be some changes done in .htaccess.
Please help me out from this issue.
15 years ago
If you give the value as "0" as load-on-startup, the servlet automatically started/initiated while startup without any user call. This is called "Dynamic Loading". If you give "1", the user has to call the servlet explicitly. This is called "Lazy Loading".
15 years ago
Hope, you are scared by seeing new technologies like Ruby, Rails, .... But as per my expectation, JAVA having good and stable future. The tools/frameworks like hibernate, iBatis, Spring ... soon are designed and developed on JAVA only. But you need to keep on learning the new tools and frameworks, if you are working with JAVA. Even, SUN is implementing new technologies day-by-day.

You can understand, If you observe the blue prints of Sun.
15 years ago
Yes, I am doing Ph.D in Computer Science. I have to publish some technical papers.
Native code is a code which is written and included other than Java language. The Java Native Interface (JNI) enables the integration of code written in the Java programming language with code written in other languages such as C and C++.
15 years ago
You can use jasper reports or crystal reports for your application. There are many tools like jfree reports, ReportMill are available as freewares. I suggest to use jasper or crystal reports.
15 years ago
The paper is about the technology presentation.
Where to publish a technical white paper ? Can you please tell me the site and publisher names ?
Please tell me How to publish a technical white paper ?
Because of freeware and consume low resources many applications are deployed in Tomcat. Now a days, Tomcat is coming with good solutions and overcome the earlier defects. For the early versions of Tomcat there were some memory issues, but those are resolved in the recent versions.

Coming to Oracle 10g, no database is comparable with 10g. It gives security and flexibility. Hence, most of the clients are opting for the Oracle 10g than other RDBMS softwares.
J2EE Blue prints are the papers or documents, which explains about the specifications and features of a specified version. It will gives complete scope of the J2EE version.
15 years ago
With J2ee, you can work for messaging, persistant database operations, xml transactions and so on. For more details, please refer the blue prints.
15 years ago
What type of JAVA applications you are looking for ? Is it core java or J2ee applications ? If you are very new to Java, it is better to code the core java. Gradually, you can do J2ee coding.
15 years ago
It is better to create different component diagrams for different functionalities. Then, you can establish relationship between the components(if required).