Jeff Verdegan wrote:As far as Java is concerned, it is identical to every other sync block in all Java code everywhere and everywhen. The only thing that distinguishes one synchronization from another is which object you sync on, but the object itself has zero significance to Java. (And note that, contrary to your subject line, we sync on objects, not references.)
Jeff Verdegan wrote:On the other hand, as far as how your app will behave, that depends entirely on A) What else syncs on that same lock and B) What else accesses any shared resources that are accessed in those sync blocks.
Jeff Verdegan wrote:In general, though, syncing on the Class object for a different class is quite unusual (I don't think I've ever seen it, in 15 years of Java programming), and it's probably a red-flag for your design.
Hi Radi,
Your assignment and essay exam were sent to our assessors for grading on 2009-09-17. We will escalate this and request processing on priority basis. We are sorry for the delay.
Once your assignment score is returned, your results will be transferred to the Sun Certification Database at If you have obtained a passing score, you will receive email confirmation of your successful certification and your certification package will be processed.
We appreciate your patience.
OCP Team
blah blah acquisition, it can take i bit long to assess your assignment, sorry and so on and so on
Fernando Franzini wrote:Hi ranchers
Today I did essay. Actually was easier than I thought....
Anyway...thanks for all help![]()
Now I'm waiting final result![]()
Bastian Schoepp wrote:I took the exam on Nov 10th, sent the email on 16th and received the reply on 19th. It says that it has been sent to the assessor on 15th.
Bastian Schoepp wrote:Hi Radi
The same is true for me. I've got no entry for the SCJD but only for the SCJP. Nevertheless I wrote to who2contact and they confirmed that my assignment is already forwarded to the assessor. I have to wait three to five weeks...
Johnny Barbosa wrote:
Hi man.
I Think you have to look for link called "Test History". If the result got out, you will see a button called "<<Details".
My result got out about 10 days week.