Micale Raj

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 01, 2009
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IntelliJ IDE Hibernate
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Recent posts by Micale Raj

I have a Web application which uses hiberante 4. When i deployed it on tomcat ( Tomcat 7 ) and try to do database operation it throws
"com.mchange.v2.resourcepool.CannotAcquireResourceException: A ResourcePool could not acquire a resource from its primary factory or source." Exception.
But when I'm doing same thing using testng it run without a problem

Full stack trace:

My Data source ( spring xml )

Any idea what would be wrong ?

Thanks in advance for any help.
Thank you very much for you reply..Yes I know how to add jar to classpath and I will follow the apache ant manual.
11 years ago

I have following questions ( may be these could be very elementary , but i appreciate if someone could answer them ).

1. How to create mysql database, tables, etc ( included in mysql script ) using ant ?
2. What is the best driver to connect to mysql from my ant script ?
( i found use of "org.gjt.mm.mysql.Driver" in one tutorial. Are there any other drivers which could you for same purpose . i.e to connect to mysql )

Thanks !
11 years ago

Is there a way to create EAR file from Exploded EAR folder using a java class. i.e from java class like creating other files, to create EAR file.

Thanks !
11 years ago
Finally found a way to that. Just added the verbose=10 to testng ant task.

11 years ago
hi ,

I running test suite ( testng) using ant. After running the test, terminal output shows the test suite, no of passed test , no of failed test.

I want to know, is there a way to output passed/failed test name to terminal output, something like following ( It will be effective if I can see the output on terminal )


11 years ago
Thank your very much for your reply . I think I can do the same as you suggested. Thanks for taking time to reply such a confusing problem
11 years ago

Peter Johnson wrote:I don't understand what you are asking for. The antcall you have will run the task1 target, but before it does that it will run the layout target. Are you saying that you don't want layout to run? Also, your text uses different names than your example build.xml, so that makes it even more confusing.

Sorry for the confusing text, It's like this,
In my project there's target called "layout".This "layout" task build the project. Everybody run that target to build the project. Now I have to add another target,
let's say it name is "test" and it must be run after "layout" task. Now "test" target has been put as antcall in the "layout" task.
The "test" target must be able to run alone, but before that project must be build ( calling "layout"). How could I achieve this kind of behavior.

Thanks for your reply.
11 years ago
Hi All,

I want to do following task with ant

Here, my main target is target2 and it must call target1. But target1 should be able to run alone and it has some dependency on main target ( target1).
How to do this kind of task ?

Thanks !
11 years ago
Thank you very much Peter. Your post helped me resolve the problem. Thanks again !
11 years ago
Hi All,

I want to copy files using fileset like following,

(This code don't work.)

In the copy task I want to include/exclude previously defined fileset. How to do this ?

Thanks !
11 years ago

James Boswell wrote:Don't you need to use setSearchSystemEnvironment(boolean) and setSystemPropertiesMode(int) to search for environment variables with a PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer?

Thanks for the reply James. I tried this . but no luck ! . Only the jvm args are taken when you give as <value>file:${CONF_LOCATION}/jndi.properties</value>
12 years ago
HI All

I want to access property file which the path given from env variable.
Spring xml as following

the CONF_LOCATION given in .bash_profile as env variable.
However i can't access CONF_LOCATION like given in spring xml. How to do this correctly ?

Thanks !
12 years ago

Joe Ess wrote:You need some way to receive an HTTP request. The standard way to to that in Java is a Servlet. The servlet loads the form bean and puts it in the request as an attribute. In the JSP you can access the form bean via the implicit request object.
Frankly, it is easier to work with the framework rather than against it.

Thank you very much for the reply. I did it using <html:form action="formBeanMappingName"></html:form> from struts taglib. Thanks !
12 years ago

I want to load data for a popup window just using a form bean's load method (without using action class ). How to do this ?

Thank you !
12 years ago