Atul Darne

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since Jul 05, 2009
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Hello, iam atul from navi mumbai. Working for a IT Company as a Junior JavaDeveloper.
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Recent posts by Atul Darne

We are facing an strange issue in weblogic JDBC Connection. Daily for our application we run "End of Day" (EOD). This EOD includes several branches and tasks for Interest calculation branch wise.

We have around 150+ branches for which this tasks are scheduled and completes one by one. It is observerd that our EOD gets stuck and below error is observed in weblogic logs.

When we retry the job it continues, this happens daily now. we are not able to figure why this happens.

Sharing the log below, please assist if any one knows a solution here.

2019-03-30 03:12:05,399 ERROR [[ACTIVE] ExecuteThread: '55' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [transaction-id=933b69d3e018eb33:1cb19089:169cb4de31b:-16c0|RequestConvId=933b69d3e018eb33X1cb19089X169cb4de31bX-16c1] JDBCExceptionReporter Unexpected exception while enlisting XAConnection java.sql.SQLException: XA error: XAResource.XAER_RMERR start() failed on resource 'ZONE_TIPLUS_PROD': XAER_RMERR : A resource manager error has occured in the transaction branch
at oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource.checkError(
at oracle.jdbc.xa.client.OracleXAResource.start(
at weblogic.jdbc.jta.DataSource.start(
at weblogic.transaction.internal.XAServerResourceInfo.start(

We are using weblogic 11g and our database is oracle 11 g version.
5 years ago
After providing the setter for the variable

you can use the following syntax which takes bool as string and will parse for you (it doesnt have any errors too)

In the java code

setter Tag


in the TLD


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12 years ago

I am given a task POC to check if we should use wml or xhtml for building a web mobile application , for data entry.

Any suggestions please.
12 years ago
Hi kunal,

thanks it worked - i made the following changes

Hi Vijitha ,

I am adding the class


I have acheived adding contents to a database table by using hibernate xml hbm file, now i wish to search any user in it - i am stucked with with an error in the code

iam having the following function

cfg file


i get the below error

when i do a select query on the table

Hi Benjamin,

You can refer this tutorial webpage
thanks i updated an entry in .bashrc script by editing
12 years ago
i set the path by

export PATH=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_25/bin:$PATH

i need to configure this startup

12 years ago

i have a linux machine which has a Open JDK installed.

i downloaded a sun jdk and installed, it, now i want the system to use the sun jdk how do i configure it ??

i have the following

[root@localhost opt]# find / -name java
[root@localhost opt]# clear
[root@localhost opt]# find / -name java
[root@localhost opt]#
12 years ago
this is an old way to add the JSP script to the page itself..
you must use a framework like struts and hibernate
12 years ago
how do we know which jar has this class ?