sahar sa

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 06, 2009
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Recent posts by sahar sa

Dear Ed Ward ,
Thank you for your help, the problem was I searched using wrong words: observing thread instead of MONITORING THREADS!
Sure it helped! and thank you so much!
14 years ago
Hi dear friends,
I am working on a project using JADE(agent middleware) and JAVA(netbeans). agents are implemented using java language and as I read every agent is a thread.
I want to know how can I see the agent's threads that are running in the project?

I'm really new in this one...! so any source suggesstion such as tutorial,website, book is really appreciated!

Thank you,
14 years ago
Hi guys,
Any help would be appreciated!
Dear Friends,
My program is running well but after some rounds throws me below error:
Can you tell me what could be the problem and how can I fix this?

Thank you,
im sorry if it's a silly question but Im really new in this one.
the mentioned path address is not exist in build.xml file so I couldn't find where should I change! can you tell me which line I should change?
here is the content of built.xml

thank you so much!
14 years ago
Dear friend
Still the error is there, I wonder why it prints out the address of the directory which was on my previouse pc ? (previousley my program was on C:\Documents and Settings\student\Desktop\project incomplete\1-work On\BookTrading\BookTrading )
because the program is already in :C:\testTrading\BookTrading\BookTrading\

any suggestion?
thank you
14 years ago
Dear friends
I had my project in one computer and know that i copy it to my laptop it throws me this error:
do you know what may cause this error? an how can i solve it?

thank you in advance,
14 years ago
Hi guys,
I find how to track this leaking points or to make sure where they are coming from (from JDBC connections? or generating Many objects ? or your program really needs a big heap memory to run! and there is nothing wrong with the program).

1) to find in which part of code (or thread) it starts to eat memory use this link to download YourKit java profil:
(I have tried many software but this is the best: 0) its free! 1) starts outomatically you just need to download it! 2) has a very rich documentation you can have look at: )

2)to make sure if it is from your connections or something else, (if you are using mySQL) download mysql-gui-tool from :
this will help you to see how many connections you have at the time. what you need is to make a connection to your data base in MSQL ADMINISTRATOR. and then go to server connections. now go to your IDE and run your Java program. while running you can see how many connections you have in the TREAD tab of your "server connections" in MSQL ADMINISTRATOR.

So if there are normal amount of connections its not JDBC connections which are consuming the memory!

3) If you think nothings wrong with your code and it just nedd more memory there are two ways to change the setting: 1) Command prompt and 2) your IDE. I Killed my self but couldnt do it by command way .
IDE way is sooo easy just go to netbeans click right on the project name > properties>run and then in "VM options" text box copy "-Xms32m -Xmx128m" and its done!!

and thats all I experienced!
If any one have any other suggestion is welcomed!
14 years ago
dear fiend,
I have this code:

and it throws me this error:

As I find this error should happen when the cursor of resultset is after the last row!
So to avoid this I have if(
but how it still throws me this error?

Thank you in advance,
Dear friends,
I have a table with column titles as: (id, price,quality,deadline,UtilityValue,sellerNumber) which Id is an AUTO_INCREMENT!
now I want to copey this table to another table with the exact same column titles. till here every thing is ok! but I DONT want to copy the id field. what I want is that I copy the data of each row except id which should be filled AUTO_INCREMENTAly.
so I write below code:

and I get this error:

I guess it error is related to the id column which I didn't mentioned in insert into query. Am I right? If yes Do you know how can I correct it?
Thank you sooo much!
I have a table and I want to retrive some data from this table. I want them to be sorted so I have this snippet code:

now I want to know after that I retrived this information from table.
the data in the table is also sorted?
Thankyou, beforehand,
Dear friends,
I have a java project and it executes rightly. But, when I put my code inside of a loop to execute it several times(e.g. 20 times) after some rounds it throws me this error:

As this project is a big one and I don't know in which line this error is happening I cant copy the code here.
So, Can you tell me when usually this error happens? or probably what can cause this sort of problems? or how can I find where in my code this is happening?

Thanks a lot!
14 years ago
Dear friends,
I need to code a formula which contains Natural logarithm and "e" power 3 for example. by e I mean the transcendental number which is around 2.71 ... .
Is there any constant in java as "e" or no?
Is there any function that can calculates Ln (natural logarithm)?
do you know any source that can help me?
Thank you so much,
14 years ago
Dear friends,
Is there any equivalent for GOTO and LABLE in java? if not is there any other statement or command or keyword which I can use? (I searched but Icouldnt find any clear answer)
I need my program to jump from a method to an specific line in a class! Is that even possible?

Thank you so much,
14 years ago