Originally posted by Kyle Brown:
No changes should be necessary. Just take the files from temp directory on machine B (the one with the app server) and move them to machine A (the one with the web server). This procedure is described in the IBM redbook on scaling and clustering in WebSphere 3.5. (Look under http://www.redbooks.ibm.com)
Kyle Brown
Hi Kyle
I think i have not explained the case properly.
Let me restate the problem.
1> IBM HTTP Server1.3.12 and WAS 3.5.2 installed on both M/c "A" and m/c "B".
2> The directory structure is as follows
on m/c "A" under
D:\ibm\IBM HTTP Server----------|
on m/c "B" under|
C:\ibm\IBM HTTP Server(stop)|
3> Next i have stopped WAS on m/c "A" and Httpserver on m/c "B"
4> I have started Httpserver on m/c "A" and WAS on m/c "B"
5> My requirement is any request to httpserver on m/c "A" like http://A//appserver/index.jsp should use application server on m/c "B".
As per your suggetsion copying file from temp directory of WAS of M/C "B" to M/C "A" will be of no
use since WAS on m/c "A" will be in stopped condition.
6>please advise me specifically any changes in the http.conf/admin.conf or in any other place is needed.
waiting for your reply.
Thank you in advance.
Originally posted by Jun Hong:
You can do either horizontal or vertical clustering. I you think you have a powerful machine which is underused, use vertical clustering. The disadvantage of doing this is all application servers run on the same machine and if something goes wrong with this machine there is no failover. I you have serveral less powerful machines, use vertical clustering.
If you are using 3.5, right click the application server to clone it. Use Model to control all clones.