Devan Brahma

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since Jul 07, 2009
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Recent posts by Devan Brahma

my problem has been solved .
the problem was with the database datatype.
one element's data type change to text and i changed back to varchar .
and its now working fine..
Hi all,
i was using postgresql as my database and now i changed it to mysql.
Now when i run my project i get this error.

this is the error details.
Can anyone please tell where i went wrong.
i'm using struts2 checkbox for selecting of items.I'm using iterator to populate items.And uses the checkbox name to find the length(number of the items).
I do that in the javascript.
Everything went okay but when i have only one item in the list the checkboxname.length doesn't return a value.
Can anyone Please help.
How can i do when the list has only one item?

14 years ago
i am using struts 2 's autocompleter .And my problem is on selecting a text from teh auto completer i need to get that to a text area.
i tried on click and other functions of autocompleter but they are not working .
Can any one please help me on this .
14 years ago
i'm new to struts and i actually don't know ajax.
Can you help me by giving some example?
14 years ago
i will explain my situation,
that is i want to do something in the when an user clicks a button but
i don't want the struts action to reload the jsp page again.

Can any one please help me.?
14 years ago
i got it!!!
the problem was with the struts head theme .
i used theme="ajax"..that caused my application to slow down when it was in server.
now it runs fine.

14 years ago
Hi all,
i have developed a web application using struts2 , hibernate etc
the thing is it is quite fast in local but when i upload it to the server it becomes slow in each process
even if i give a direct link in the anchor tag it takes too much time in going to that application.
it is not slow in google chrome and IE but its too slow in mozilla firefox ..
and i can figure it out why its damn slow in mozilla...
Please can any one help me .i'm stuck with this problem .
14 years ago
Does any one knows this???
14 years ago
hi all,
thanks everyone,
i found it !.
actually i everytime was re writing a file when out is called and that is where the problem was.

anyway thanks
15 years ago
firstly thanks Ulf Dittmer,
actually i found that server processing is taking too much time .
But there was no problem till yesterday. today only it started and
this is getting me sick.

is there any problem wit tomcat ??
that cause the prob.But i tried wit tomcat 5.5 also stil the problem perisists.

15 years ago
hi all,

i'm doing a java web application,
here the problem is when i run the application it is very slow
going from one page to another page takes so much time.
Earlier it was not so slow but i don't know what happened that made it so slow.
i'm running it on localhost .
i'm using tomcat 6.0.16
and java v1.6.
please anyone help me out.
15 years ago
sorry that i didint explained it well.
that is i'm reading a string from a pdf document so the line of text from that document
is having a font and some style so i need to get that,
please help
15 years ago
Can any one tell me how can i find out the format of a String
i.e., which font is the String using and what is the font size of that String.
i'm reading that String from a file and to reproduce it i need al that format stuff.

Can anyone please help
i searched a lot but didn't find anything

a sample code will be much helpful.

15 years ago
hi ,
can any one please tell me how to work with pdf box.
i am having no idea how to work with it...
please help

thanks ,