Rahul Chhabra

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since Jul 13, 2009
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All three options have pros and cons, choose wisely what matters most to you

1. Continue with current company until I have a reason to change. The work in this company is good. Work culture is also good. Should I stay in this company until I am happy enough here.  

If you are happy, learning as well as growing there, this is perfect option.

2. Try for some company abroad so that I earn a much higher salary and get exposure to different work culture and conditions too. E.g some country like Singapore. I have read that it is comparatively easy for Indian software engineer to try to Singapore than for other countries. After this return to India after few years and use that gained experience further in career.

International Exposure, different work culture, coming out of comfort zone.
More than software engineer this will help in growth as a person.

3. Try for some big Indian MNC and see what kind of opportunities I get there over the next few years. There would be higher chances of good opportunities in top IT companies of India.  

In India, with that much experience, you can negotiate for handsome CTC of INR 20-25 lakhs per annumm.

All the Best, with whichever option you choose.
7 years ago
Hi Maneesh.. I am looking for only source code.

But seems, Oracle does not allow this. Installing full JDK..
12 years ago
Agree and exactly, and thats where I am stuck.

What other alternatives I have ?
I need to compute much more information like memory space etc, starting with timestamp. So I thought tasklist.exe can be sufficient, but surely, it does not seem so.

12 years ago
Hint Required-

1. how to get information from tasklist command, that any other java process (say PID 2130) has started at this particular timestamp and once its finished, its finishing timestamp.

If not possible from tasklist command, any other way to get this information.

I dont want to put in java code- System.currentTimeMillis() way of calculating execution time.

12 years ago

In Eclipse, I am trying to attach source code for Java classes.

I have only JRE installed. For getting src.zip file, do I need to install full JDK or is there a way to just get src.zip.
I tried searching, but not able to find only src.zip file.

12 years ago
Hhmm.. To make it more clear and to the point-

How to write java program say 'A', that can measure execution time of any other java program say 'B' or 'C'.
'A' can be ever-running monitor program, that's waiting for any other java program to execute and calculate its execution time.

I am trying to fetch this information from tasklist command in windows.

Any hints ??
12 years ago
Hi All,

I am trying to write a java program which can find out execution time of any other java program, on window platform.

Is it possible to do this ?

I am able to read all java process, using below snippet:-

Thanks in advance,
12 years ago
Thanks Rob,

It works
13 years ago
Hi All,

I am trying to dynamically change content of JLabel, using setText method.
However, if I use setBounds method and setText more than that of width assigned it is coming as ...

How during runtime, I can find out JLabel text is displayed as ... (instead of full text) and increase its width accordingly ?

Could anyone please help me
13 years ago
Cleared SCJP 6 on Tuesday,17th nov., with 95%.
Thanks to all members and moderators. Many of my queries and doubts were already discussed in this form, so that help me a lot. I just kept exploring previous topics.

Now, planning to go for some more certification either SCWCD,or RHEL or any other. Any advice will be useful for me.

- Rahul
14 years ago