Sagar Rohankar wrote:Sean, I'm not changing the standard dir structure. I'm just want to decide where to keep web tests "src/main/java" or "src/test/java"?
You're splitting hairs here, you are wanting to use a standard application code folder to store tests, you are changing what that folder does and therefore I think you are changing the standard directory structure. You would need to configure maven not to pick up your web tests otherwise you would end up with them in your WAR file. More effort than it is worth I feel and that is my suggestion. If you wish to take another route then do.
Sagar Rohankar wrote:yeah, right; but this looks great if my web tests are in same maven project and not located somewhere in dedicated web test project.
If you want to include the tests in another project then you could do that through maven by adding a dependency to your main projects test classes jar (you need to configure it to create a jar for the tests.)
I'm not looking to get into a debate, you asked for suggestions and these are mine, if you don't wish to take any notice then you are welcome to.