Ashley Burton

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since Jul 15, 2009
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Hi Ray,

you can try to create web service.
I haven't ever seen public RMI services what does not mean this sollution is bad or forbidden. You have to dig:)



15 years ago

can you tell us why do you want to expose RMI service on public server?

You can use any free port(not only 1099, however it is the most common port for RMI) for this, but it is rather not common(as far as I know) to expose RMI services on the public server.


15 years ago

I don't know if this is what you need, but it would be more efficient to convert your excel data to csv.
You can do it automatically with jexcelapi -
Woking with csv stream may be much easier.


15 years ago

I've just started my adventure with jsr-82 so this sollution may not be the best.
StreamConnection is just an interface with a few important methods like openInputStream, openOutputStream etc.
You can try to identify the class implementing this intefrace and find out if it exposes any methods that suit you requirements eg connection endpoints.

Other sollution:
Sending message thread can open input stream(using the same StreamConnection) and read the notfication from message receiver.
Of course message receiver must send the notification by write the output stream(created from the same StreamConnection).

Hope this will help somehow.

15 years ago

I'm trying to send PNG image as a byte array from an application working on J2SE to the application on mobile phone(J2ME).
Simply, I'm encoding image(current source is file, but it may be catched camera frame) and i'm sending it to the mobile phone(via bluetooth).

In order to create an image in my j2me application i use a following code.

The problem is that when the image byte array is bigger(about 1000 bytes) i get IllegalArgumentException.

I spend few hours trying different types of encoding, but then i found out that small array bytes(about 200) worked fine.
There are no errors during array sending, so I'm a little bit confused.

Do you know some sure method to encode the image on j2se and recreate it on j2me?



15 years ago