Jeff Schramm

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since Jul 16, 2009
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suneel gundlapalli wrote:Thanks for posting your solution for the problem Colin. Helped me solve my problem too.

mine, too
15 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:I did not have to look far to see a problem.

if(label == null)
label = value;

You are modifying an instance variable from within the tag. That's a no no.

The instance variables that represent attribute values can only be set by the container. You muck with them under the covers, and all hell breaks loose.

thank you for your advise- i will change it tomorrow
15 years ago

David Newton wrote:Some containers may cache tags, too.

I`m using Tomcat 5.5 -




If i comment out

the field 'label' will not be cleared for the second iteration!

thanks for your help,
15 years ago

i wrote a custom tag which builds a specific link. Following attributes

The label attribute is not required.

If label is unspecified:

For the first tag of the JSP everything is working, well. But if i use the Tag a second time and the label attribute is again not used in the jsp -> label has the old value from the last tag! Why?

My workaround is to reset all fields at the end of tag execution. Do somebody know a better solution?

Thanks, Jeff

15 years ago