Emilio Meadow

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since Jul 20, 2009
Merit badge: grant badges
Math degree in 2004
A few experience with C/C++, MatLab doing some math research in numerical analysis
Since november 2004 working with j2ee
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Recent posts by Emilio Meadow

Hello! I'm interested in hadoop certification. As far as I know many vendors are selling certifications, what's the best?
11 years ago
Ok, I got you.
I used the classes generated by the tool to write my code, this means the class and the interface were generated by wsimport.
12 years ago
Hi Palak,
I'm sorry, what you mean by client? I use the .jar genereated by the wsimport tool. What else?
12 years ago
I know I know..
I realize the small typo when I was already away from my pc.
Thanks anyway.

Back to the question, I've searched a lot and it seems that it's a very common question but unfortunately I couldn't find any definitive answer.
I think though that javax.xml.ws.Service seems to be made to be shared among many calls to the ws, in fact it has an enumeration of ports and a set of methods "getPort" that will retrive "compatible port" (from the javadoc).
Anyway I'm still looking for an answer..
12 years ago
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to WS and I need some help.
I have a jax-ws generated client for a ws. The easiest approach to call the client would be

But, rather then instantiate all the times the service class, I'm trying to understand if i can just put a single instance in a Singleton and use the same instance if Service to access the ws (calling each time the getPort method).
The code would look something like this:

Thanks in advance.

12 years ago

I'm pretty new with jquery and not very skilled with javascript either.
I have a function that handles a onClick event.
This function makes 3 ajax requests "in a row", here is the (psedo-)code:

What happens sometimes is that the response "secondData" of the second call appears either in the "#firstId" element and in the "#secondId" element or in the "#thirdId" element and in the "#secondId" element.
I solved temporarly the problem by nesting the three requests and the problem seems to be solved. But this, of course, is only a work around...
Any hint?


Thanks for the reply.

First of all, I've read again my post and I think I did a very bad job. Sorry.

This url:


works just fine, whereas the analogous one with the characters encoded doesn't.
But it should, right? Even more, the exact same war on a server running on linux (my machine is win) works just fine.
Any suggestion?

12 years ago
Hi guys,

I'm working on my local machine with wls 9.2.2 and I have this problem when I call this:


everything works, but when I call this:


The server is brutally installed on my machine and there's no apache behind.

Any idea?

12 years ago
We have a get method in the bean:

public int getPage() { }

and an overload of this method:

public Page getPage(int i) { }

In a jsp we access to the page property with the jstl taglib

<c: out value="${sessionScope.BOOK.page}"></c: out>

JBOSS 4.2.2 throws this exception:

javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: An error occurred while evaluating custom action attribute "value" with value "${sessionScope.BOOK.page}":
Unable to find a value for "page" in object of class "it.csi.finregio.finreges.presentation.Browser" using operator "."

whereas on BEA 7 it works.

14 years ago
Hi there,

I'm working on a project running on oracle weblogic server 9.2 and I'm using struts1.
Above the app. serv. (my appl. run on a cluster) there is an Apache bridge and above of that there is a RadWare WSD to dispatch the request between the 2 server of the cluster.
The problem is that RadWare WSD has a response timeout set to 60 sec.
Now is there a way to anticipate the commit of the response so that if the sw hasn't yet finished his business I can send a message to the client?

Thanks in advance
14 years ago
Then this option seems to be a little useless..
Anyways, thanks
15 years ago
I have a projet in eclipse with jdk 1.5 and with the the generated .class compatibility option set to 1.3 as well as compiler compilance level option set to 1.3.
in the project I was using the method

witch doesn't exist in the jdk 1.3. But no errors appears.
If I build the project with ant using target="1.3" option again no errors.
Why? Is the generated code runnable on a 1.3 vm?

Thanks in advance
Cheers E.
15 years ago
Hi there, I'm trying to configure remote debug for a web application running under weblogic 9.2. As usual I add this to the start command:

-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=17001,server=y,suspend=n

and then I add a remote debug configuration to eclipse ide.
The remote debug config seems to work (in the debug windows appears the remote debug stack) but when I add a break point tand execute the web appl
it doesn't stop.

Tks, ciao

PS I tried also to configure the wls as a server with the eclipse plug in but I have the same problem.
Yes it works, thanks.
We also found that if we impose the null value to the attribute2 it also works.

Ciao, Emilio
15 years ago

If I make the serialization of the server side class and deserialize with the client side class everything works well
(the attribute2 doesn't exist).

I forgot to say in local (using the same jre of the server).
15 years ago