Jie Yang

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since Jul 23, 2009
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Eclaxy Software Co., Ltd is a professional mobile application development outsourcing service provider.We are dedicated to do Blackberry and Android mobile applications development.

Help you:
Custom a fresh Android & Blackberry application
Port an existing application on Android & Blackberry platform
Develop Android & Blackberry Client for PC Client

Develop android application 2 years.Use agile development model

High-quality services with Competitive price.

E-mail: [email protected]
Skype: yangjie011988
14 years ago
Eclaxy software is android application development outsourcing service provider.Our developers are all highly skilled and experienced in the Android platform and eclipse development. We use the Java programming language about 10 years.

We have been developed android application and mobile applications for a long time
We know the frameworks (not only android platform but Linux platform, eclipse platform …)
We know the languages (not only Java but PHP, JavaScript XML, SQL, Ajax…)
We know how to best use Android Development tools (ADT)
We know how to test android application in Android emulator.
We take pride in clean, elegant, documented code.

More information: http://www.eclaxy.com/
15 years ago