I'm in the process of trying to upgrade from Weblogic 8.1 to 10.3. I've installed the new server verson and made the necessary adjustments to my weblogic.xml file. When I run the application, however, I'm running into an unusual error. Upon access of the application I check the user who is trying to access my application by retrieving the remote user from the request header like so...
userID = jspRequest.getRemoteUser(); (where jspRequest is an object of type HttpServletRequest)
This statement is returning null even though when I stop the app in debug mode in eclipse and review the values in jspRequest I can see that "remoteUser" has a valid value in it. It's just not being returned by the get. Since this statement worked in Weblogic 8.1 and isn't working in 10.3 I'm only assuming there is something I missed.
Any ideas?