Max Katz

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since Aug 03, 2009
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That's just how JSF works, every row is its own group.
You can use JavaScript, first go over all the radio buttons and uncheck them and then check the newly selected.
13 years ago
It's important to look beyond just components when comparing these component libraries. It's safe to assume that most have very similar components at this point.

RichFaces 4 is more than just a component library, it's a rich framework for JSF providing:
  • Over 100 rich and Ajax components
  • Skins
  • Client-side validation (extension to Bean Validation)
  • CDK (Component Development Kit)

  • RichFaces 4 is JSF 2 based with a CR (Candidate Release) version out very soon. From there, we are just a few weeks from the final version. I know version 4 took a little longer than everyone expected but this version is more than just a typical update. It’s a significant upgrade that includes the following:
  • All JavaScript is now based on jQuery
  • All component were reviewed for consistency, usability, and redesign following semantic HTML principles
  • Both server-side and client-side performance optimization
  • Strict code clean-up and review
  • New and easier to use CDK (Component Development Kit)

  • I think it's well worth the extra wait.

    Installing RichFaces 4 has been simplified as well. Just drop the Jars into your project, nothing to register in web.xml file anymore.

    If you look at Ajax features in JSF 2, then you can see it was greatly inspired by the RicihFaces a4j:support tag. Plus, many components have Ajax built in as well.

    The RichFaces community is very active and always willing to help. And don’t forget that RichFaces is backed by JBoss and Exadel.

    RichFaces might not have the shiniest components. It wasn’t the first with JSF 2 support. (This argument will be mute in about 1 months). But, probably most important, keep in mind that RichFaces is used in thousands of projects and has been proven in small, large, and enterprise projects throughout the years.
    14 years ago
    You are probably still using an older library version. Make sure you update all Jars to the latest version required to run 3.3 and remove any old Jars.
    14 years ago
    I don't think skinning standard controls is available in RichFaces version 3.1.4. You need to try RichFaces 3.3.x
    14 years ago
    What RichFaces version do you use and what skin? What if you place h:inputText - is that skinned?
    14 years ago
    Did you set this context param:

    14 years ago
    @Tim: just a minor correction, RichFaces 4 is based on JSF 2.
    14 years ago
    Got it. Please post page code.
    14 years ago
    Why do you say it's a validation problem? It looks like all your fields are filled in, you are just trying to change the job title value, correct?
    14 years ago
    That's not supported by EL version you are using. You would need to use JBoss EL or the newest EL version which supports passing params (don't remember which version).
    14 years ago
    I don't know what menu you are using but you can use RichFaces menu and navigate directly from it to the page.
    14 years ago
    It's been very long time since I used JSP with JSF but I think you need to use f:subView to do the include. As for the actual error, are you sure you have the correct namespace: ?
    14 years ago
    Could be, but with all modern mobile devices (phones, tablets) having a regular web browser (in some cases more powerful than on PC), I don't see WAP as being an issue.
    14 years ago

    later JSF version's internal HTML generation does something that doesn't work well with your manual HTML.

    What can it be? As long as components generate standards compliant HTML and the same is done by the developer manually, I don't see any problems.
    14 years ago