Doug Wang

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since Oct 05, 2001
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Recent posts by Doug Wang

Hi Artemesia,

The quick answer is, Yes, you can run web services on Tomcat.

To run web services on Tomcat, besides Tomcat, you need Axis toolkit installed on your machine. The short tutorial gets you started with Tomcat and Axis.

19 years ago

I would like to recommend the free redbook from IBM:
WebSphere 6 Web services handbook

19 years ago
Hi All,

Is there anyone who shows interests in this week's giveaway - Service-Oriented Architecture : Concepts, Technology, and Design?

I am wondering who should buy this book, architects, programmers, even non-IT professionals?

19 years ago
I am guessing that the forum XML and related technologies should be the best one to raise your question.

19 years ago
Hi All,

I am reading a SOA programming model series on developerWorks (SOA series).

In the first article, the authors say that:

The IBM� programming model for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) enables non-programmers to create and reuse IT assets without mastering IT skills. ... This article series describes a new Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) programming model that achieves a separation of concerns so that persons with different skill levels and roles in the enterprise, not necessarily IT professionals, can create and use IT assets throughout every stage of the software development life cycle.

Is that really true? Any of your comments is highly welcome.

19 years ago
Yes. Ulf Dittmer hits it.

To play with Axis will give you a good ground for learning Web services.

Here is a quick tutorial which getS you started with Axis and SOAP: Part I and Part II.

19 years ago

Originally posted by Ali Pope:

I consider the exception handling one of the most important aspects of a java programmer. It is pretty easy to have an image of a programmer level just by looking how is handling exceptions. While I can agree there are no enough fundamental rules (or silver bullets) about exception handling, this subject is definitely deserving a book.

In fact, there are many bad practice among some Java programmers(including me). To be a professional, we should do exceptions handling professionally.

I wonder is this book also covering bad practice in Design and Architecture?
[ March 09, 2005: Message edited by: Doug Wang ]
19 years ago
Hi All,

I am expecting FireFox to open a new Tab instead of a new Window when I click a link (e.g. a link on this page). How can I achieve that?

20 years ago
Hi John & Jeanne,

In my company, most web designers are comfortable with Dreamweaver too.
Looking forward to a DreamWeaver with enablement of JSF!

20 years ago
Ant sucks! But be cautious that depoyment work may be product dependent. For example, to deploy app. to Websphere need additional work than Tomcat.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Kishore Dandu:
What I do not understand is, a powerpoint presentation from lead developers working with J2EE is sufficient.

Why a book on big picture???

I think a book on big picture fits into the market, because the whole J2EE thing is so complex, and need to be broken down into smaller digestible chunks. I am afraid just one presentation doesn't work.

The book is more of concept and technology, so it involves no container. In fact, you can find tons of books on specific containers.


Reading a spec give you exact inside of a J2EE technology, which may take you long time by reading books or playing with a developer tool. Although it may frustrate you at the very beginning.

Are these A-TRIP principles applied to Function Test or System Test?
Andy and Dave, thanks for being with us here this week.
20 years ago

Originally posted by Andy Hunt:
But once you've got the basics in place, what's the next most important thing that people are struggling with? Where can we be the most help?

Do you have some plan to write for programmers using scripting language in their daily life? Maybe your Automation book of this kit will cover that topic?
[ February 19, 2004: Message edited by: Doug Wang ]
20 years ago

Originally posted by Lasse Koskela:
Talking about testing patterns, there's a book coming out this spring that you might want to keep on your shopping list

Sounds interesting. Lasse, thanks for your recommendation.
20 years ago