Will Myers

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since Aug 05, 2009
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Recent posts by Will Myers

Just wondering if there are enough changes in Java 11 to make it worthwhile taking the upgrade exam from Java 8 to Java 11? I did the upgrade from 5 to 8 because the language had gone through some pretty big changes but it seems there hasn't been the same sort of changes from 8 to 11 (apart from modules)
I looked at Spark a long time ago and it seemed it was a part of a larger ecosystem, can you use it on its own or does it need a Hadoop cluster to run (or some other framework)?
Juts looking at the list of topics it seems to me these are a collection of argument/discussion starters - certifications are bad (or good), checked vs unchecked exceptions, etc - Java developers have been having these conversations for years and everyone has an opinion. I've read 97 things every programmer and 97 things every architect, hope this book is as good :-)
4 years ago
Juts looking at the list of topics it seems to me these are a collection of argument/discussion starters - certifications are bad (or good), checked vs unchecked exceptions, etc - Java developers have been having these conversations for years and everyone has an opinion. I've read 97 things every programmer and 97 things every architect, hope this book is as good :-)
4 years ago
Does using Docker impact performance? Is there an extra 'hop' when using a Docker image?
5 years ago
I am relatively new to this so this might be a stupid question but it seems Docker and Kubernetes go hand in hand so do you need Kubernetes to use Docker or is just something that makes things easier?
5 years ago
Hi Ken,
I can see you book has a section on co-routines at the end, is this an in depth look? What sort of problems/issues are covered?
5 years ago
I meant beginners to Go...not beginners to life :-)
5 years ago
I can see this is a tutorial for beginners, just wondering how Go ranks for ease of learning and the level of adoption of the language? I haven't seen that many positions advertised using Go but that's maybe because of the industry I'm in (Banking and Finance).

5 years ago
I have only ever upgraded one of my 5 certs (the Java Programmer one from 5 to Java 8) and I wouldn't do it just for the paper but I find the learning process to be a good structured way of learning something new. My question could probably be better phrased as "is there enough new stuff from Spring 3 to Spring 5 to spend my time reading this book?".

I'm undecided if employers care too much, I certainly have never favoured someone with certs over someone without for a job.
5 years ago
I passed the Core Spring 3 exam back in the mists of time (2011 I think) so was wondering if much has changed since then in core Spring and if it's worth updating my certification?
5 years ago
I can see you cover a few different technologies, how deeply do you cover them? Are there examples of working solutions to follow?
5 years ago
I haven't looked at the module system yet but is it just a way of packaging just the core libraries APIs that you need? A bit like Maven for external dependencies?

Do you need to use it from Java 9 or can you continue to work the same way as before?
5 years ago
As the title says really, which version of Python do the code samples use?
5 years ago
As the title says really, is Go a general purpose language or is it more suited to specific applications?
5 years ago