Ok do one thing. Open your JAD file
It should be like
To add these properties in netbeans follow the steps,
1. Go to project Properties. (Right click properties)
2. Find the Application Descriptor section from the category
3. You will get the 4 tabs. Chose the respective tab and add the respective properties.
Then build the project. And reopen the JAD. After doing these things try to run your SMS app. It should work now.
1) What code should I add in viewSales and viewPurchases to return to the menu from whence they came?
You need to add Back Command in the midlet and add those commands to the Forms (say viewSales and viewPurchases).
And in the Check for the Back command and switch the display.
Yep you are right. Thats the exact flow. When the page2.jsp opens up it doesn't go to a different controller . Rather it access the same controller from it was called.
Now the problem i need to load some data in Bean object through formBackingObject method. But when the page2 loads up it directly comes without moving to the BackObejct method.. And on submit of the page2 it goes to earlier controller..
Hi, In my application I need to display data using JSTL on the user's mousehover on a link. Without any javascript is it possible ? Please help me out on this.
Tables are still quite acceptable for displaying layout elements that are in
a tabular layout format, and in fact can be better than divs with such
layout. However, divs are more flexible for the same reason - they do not
restrict the layout to tabular format. By using divs you can change layouts easily with out touching the contents but in table it very weird all TD and TR tags makes things more tougher.
Thanks Mark I got the solution.
I have one more problem. I am trying to get some data from database through Service and DAO classes and store them in form backing object. And return that object to the JSP . But its not working. Isn't it a right process to do ??