Ronald chen

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since Aug 08, 2009
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David Newton wrote:MyEclipse is largely Eclipse with pre-bundled plugins. I don't know what level of S2 support they have; I know it was discussed as additional functionality. Now that I don't use Struts 1 anymore I don't really have a need for it, and for me it's easier to keep updated w/ plain old Eclipse.

That's just my opinion though--for some people it's a great solution--it just doesn't offer me anything I can't get elsewhere.

Thank you
15 years ago

David Newton wrote:These days I'm using all of the "big 3": Eclipse (work), IntelliJ (home), and NetBeans (home). They each have their own benefits. IntelliJ, IMO, currently has the best Struts 2 support, but to be honest, I've barely missed it in the others because I try to avoid XML configuration.

and David,what do you think of MyEclipse?
15 years ago
what do you think is the best IDE all of them?
15 years ago