Will Sean

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since Oct 05, 2001
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Hi, I am planning to do some J2EE programming in areas of EJB and JMS and I am wondering if the codes will compile and run on a standalone machine (no network). I am running Windows 2000 with 128MB of RAM.
Does anyone know? Thanks a lot.
Here is one way to format a date returned from sql queries:
// execute sql statement
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryString);
String[] hist = null;
int idx = 1;
hist[0] = "Date\Type";
// get resultset
while (rs.next()) {
Date tdate = rs.getDate("tdate");
String typetransaction = rs.getString("typetransaction");
hist[idx] = tdate + typetransaction;
You can then display the hist array into a component, perhaps a JList or JTextArea.
23 years ago